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 Washer fluid tank broken?

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Name : zack p
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Washer fluid tank broken? Empty
PostSubject: Washer fluid tank broken?   Washer fluid tank broken? EmptyFri Oct 11, 2013 4:39 pm

I own a '97 riviera Sc, and ive noticed repeatedly lately that it fails to hold fluid in the washer fluid tank. I have tried multiple times to get it to hold fluid but it always leaks out slowly and the washer fluid low light is on by the next day. At one point I put a video camera and flashlight under the hood to monitor the levels throughout the day and it seems to go down only when I'm driving. I've removed and tested the tank multiple times for cracks and leaks and found none. I'm thinking the leak is either in the hose, or i've heard that there is a second fluid resevoir in the passenger side fender. Can anyone confirm this, or has anyone had/solved the same problem?
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Name : josh
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Washer fluid tank broken? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washer fluid tank broken?   Washer fluid tank broken? EmptyFri Oct 11, 2013 4:52 pm

yep there is and the hose goes to it. your pump is in the bottom of it. mine fell out cause a broken bracket and tire rubbed a hole in it. some mighty putty, tin(to fab bracket) and a thing of liquid electrical tape fixed mine. you have to take the fender off to get to it
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Name : Marty
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Washer fluid tank broken? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washer fluid tank broken?   Washer fluid tank broken? EmptyFri Oct 11, 2013 11:25 pm

You don't have to take the fender off to remove the lower tank. Just remove the wheel well/inner fender. (This is probably what Josh meant.)

Remove RH front wheel/tire assembly, remove the pushpins that hold the inner fender piece. Remove inner fender. Now you will see that you have complete access to the lower tank.
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Name : josh
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Washer fluid tank broken? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washer fluid tank broken?   Washer fluid tank broken? EmptySat Oct 12, 2013 12:15 am

nope i ment the fender. mine was wedged in so i took it off lol made diagnosing way easier
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Name : Al Roethlisberger
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Washer fluid tank broken? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washer fluid tank broken?   Washer fluid tank broken? EmptySat Oct 12, 2013 2:40 pm

Learn something new every day... had no idea there was an additional tank in the fender. But that makes sense since the "visible" tank is so small and it will take a full gallon.

I saw the inner fender tank this afternoon in the 98 at the wrecking yard. You can get to it easily by removing the plastic inner fender.

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Name : Randall
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Washer fluid tank broken? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Washer fluid tank broken?   Washer fluid tank broken? EmptySat Oct 12, 2013 5:25 pm

Ash wrote:
You don't have to take the fender off to remove the lower tank.  Just remove the wheel well/inner fender.

I have had several of these apart and you can do it with the wheel on or off, removing the wheel makes it easier but is not required. The pump is at the very lowest point of that tank.
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Name : Brutusk
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Washer fluid tank broken? Empty
PostSubject: Washer fluid reservoir leak these last ten years and how to fix it ?   Washer fluid tank broken? EmptyWed Aug 10, 2016 1:39 am

I'm going to "bump" this thread to add my experience to it.

The washer fluid in my reservoir slowly going down regardless of usage has been a problem vexing me since I got the car ten years ago.  I've always had other things to fix on the car that have been more important which is why it's been an ongoing problem for so long.

First, I replaced the lower tank and the fluid level sensor grommet.  One of the two "ears" that are used to secure the lower tank to the inner fenderwell with bolts was cracked so I opted to replace the tank even though I was pretty sure the fluid-holding portion of the tank wasn't cracked.  I thought it was leaking either from the fluid level sensor hole in the lower tank, or the fluid pump penetration hole beneath that.  The fluid level sensor grommet showed signs of wear on one of the sealing ribs which is why I replaced it.  After that work, it seemed to hold fluid better for a while but then started leaking again as before.

Two years pass and I've got some time to look at it again.  I didn't want to use a permanent type sealant on the grommets of the level sensor or pump because I thought I might want to take it apart again to replace the pump and I thought that GM wouldn't have designed it to use a sealant like RTV to keep it from leaking in the first place.  Instead, I used that GM bolt sealant with Teflon which is also used on the intake manifold bolts to try to seal any small fissures.

I'm testing it right now to see how fast the fluid leaks out before I fill it up again.

I couldn't find anything in the FSM which would tell me any differently how to seal it up.  I'll let you all know if the bolt thread sealant solves the problem.  I'll know in a few days when my leak test is done.

I didn't look too hard in the FSM to see what it says because I'd rather have my teeth pulled than try to find anything in there which I doubt is in there in the first place.

Has anyone else had good luck using another method to keep the lower washer fluid tank from leaking?
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Washer fluid tank broken? Empty
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