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 swapping brakes from 97 NA to a 96 supercharged?

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Name : Corey
Age : 33
Location : JMU virginia
Joined : 2011-07-25
Post Count : 569
Merit : 2

swapping brakes from 97 NA to a 96 supercharged? Empty
PostSubject: swapping brakes from 97 NA to a 96 supercharged?   swapping brakes from 97 NA to a 96 supercharged? EmptySat Jan 18, 2014 3:10 am

A while ago my 97 riv got wrecked, and she's been sitting in my step dad's towing lot for months. He just gave me his 96' supercharged Riv since he never drives it. From my understanding, the 97 buick even NA, had 12 inch front rotors that were also thicker than the 96 supercharged buick which has 10.something rotors?

anyway, I also have I think KYB struts in my buick my step dad put in when I was a teenager when I first got the car. I wanna swap my brakes, wheels, and whatever I can of my suspension. If I have both cars at hand, how much would I need to swap the brakes, and are the struts compatible? I think I need to swap the entire knuckle assembly if I'm not mistaken from a quick bit of research. Also I'm pretty sure with the wheels I had, my step dad had to put longer studs in my hubs for the new wheels to fit right. does the 96 buick have longer studs? if not, how would swap studs over? probably a retarded question.

I'm pretty sure the lighter aluminum sway bars in my 97 buick cant be swapped no matter what but I'd be pretty damn happy if I was proven wrong on that. but I do wonder, does the later aluminum suspension actually outperform my steel suspension? like, do I have a stiffer ride with steel, or any less body roll? I always thought that 96 super buick had a nicer stiffer ride but maybe I was just giddy about the supercharger?

Also, how much differently does my 4T60-E HD trans perform than a 4T65-E HD trans? are gear ratio's different at all? does it hold up better or worse to torque at certain RPM? All I know is that the 4T60 is hydraulic pressure and is less programmable than a 4T65? It's been a while since Iv'e looked at these facts so probably half of what I know is retarded and wrong lol.

I could just have my step dad do everything but A: I don't want other people to do everything for me and B: he's pretty busy running a towing company, and if I can do things that I don't need professional shop equipment to do myself, I'll do it no problem with the right info. Thanks for any help
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swapping brakes from 97 NA to a 96 supercharged?
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