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 Cam sensor and air intake sensor bad = bad ground?

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Name : Corey
Age : 33
Location : JMU virginia
Joined : 2011-07-25
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Cam sensor and air intake sensor bad = bad ground? Empty
PostSubject: Cam sensor and air intake sensor bad = bad ground?   Cam sensor and air intake sensor bad = bad ground? EmptySat Nov 01, 2014 4:32 pm

I think I may have a bad ground, not only because my step dad suggested it may be the case, but I have things like speaker buzzing, and when I hit the throttle in a small sharp jab just so, the lights dim and sometimes the engine will choke.

I scanned the engine with a Bluetooth obd reader and it says I have a bad intake temp sensor and a bad cam sensor.

A: I have no idea how much those parts cost and I'm low on money and B: if it is a grounding problem, what's the best way to solve it? Like where are the grounding terminals?

I might just go out to my car today and try to fix some stuff and start cleaning lots of contacts and hope it gets better.

I do iave to relocate the temp sensor anyway due to the fact it's not optimally placed and maybe that has something to do with it, and maybe friction on the belts cause the computer to think the cam sensor was messed up because I got weird RPM hesitation at high rpm under WOT only after I Scanned the engine but I don't know for sure. If I knew what I know now I would know if belt friction was a problem, learning how the belts work with reinstalling two very tangled belts.

It seemed suspicious that it was impossible to untangle the belts without taking the engine mount off, the waterpump and the brackets off and my dad thinks the supercharger belt was installed wrong and rubbing on the bracket.

Don't know for sure but if those sensors are bad, how hard is it to replace a cam sensor. I only ever installed one once on a ford Taurus engine I was helping rebuild in engine building class lol so I'm thinking it's a black plastic insert with two small screws somewhere level with where the camshaft goes?
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Name : Larry
Age : 68
Location : Oakland Gardens, NY
Joined : 2007-01-23
Post Count : 2193
Merit : 150

Cam sensor and air intake sensor bad = bad ground? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cam sensor and air intake sensor bad = bad ground?   Cam sensor and air intake sensor bad = bad ground? EmptySat Nov 01, 2014 7:29 pm

If you came up with P0341, check this thread,


The engine harness connector on the firewall has a habit of stressing the wire for the cam sensor, and it breaks at the firewall, sometimes the wire breaks internally and is not visible externally, but the PCM loses the cam sensor signal and sets the code. This seems to be fairly common. Check the last few pages of the above thread for pictures.
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Cam sensor and air intake sensor bad = bad ground?
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