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 headed seats

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Name : steve
Age : 71
Location : L.I NY
Joined : 2008-03-09
Post Count : 189
Merit : 2

headed seats Empty
PostSubject: headed seats   headed seats EmptySun Apr 24, 2016 7:49 pm

I got my seats redone with original leather but the heat wires were sewn into the factory covers I had the shop put after market heat pads in do you think I can hook them up to the factory harness anyone try this?
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
Joined : 2007-05-31
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Merit : 181

headed seats Empty
PostSubject: Re: headed seats   headed seats EmptyTue Apr 26, 2016 6:35 pm

71stagegs wrote:
I got my seats redone with original leather but the heat wires were sewn into the factory covers I had the shop put after market heat pads in do you think I can hook them up to the factory harness anyone try this?

Should not be a problem but check the resistance of the old against the new if you can. There's not much imagination in seat heat, they should be within about 10-15%.
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