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 power steering pump questions

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Name : pick
Location : newburgh, ny
Joined : 2010-08-10
Post Count : 18
Merit : 0

power steering pump questions Empty
PostSubject: power steering pump questions   power steering pump questions EmptyFri Feb 02, 2018 8:22 am

hello all. i have a 95 riv, supercharged. i'm attempting to replace my power steering pump with a used pump and im running into some problems. the pump that is on the car presently has the p/s resevoir on the top of the engine on the driver's side. the replacement pump that i almost bought at the junkyard had the resevoir on the p/s pump itself. can i use the pumps that have the res on the pump (after taking the res off, of course). or do i have to find a pump w/o the res? thank you
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Name : Scott
Location : Macomb, Michigan
Joined : 2010-02-24
Post Count : 4316
Merit : 185

power steering pump questions Empty
PostSubject: Re: power steering pump questions   power steering pump questions EmptyFri Feb 02, 2018 10:34 am

smoooth225 wrote:
hello all. i have a 95 riv, supercharged. i'm attempting to replace my power steering pump with a used pump and im running into some problems. the pump that is on the car presently has the p/s resevoir on the top of the engine on the driver's side. the replacement pump that i almost bought at the junkyard had the resevoir on the p/s pump itself. can i use the pumps that have the res on the pump (after taking the res off, of course). or do i have to find a pump w/o the res? thank you

I wouldn't chance it. Get the proper pump.
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