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 Fuel injectors

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Name : Cliff
Joined : 2020-09-01
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Fuel injectors  Empty
PostSubject: Fuel injectors    Fuel injectors  EmptyMon Nov 16, 2020 12:02 pm

Here I am with another question. Don't want to be a pest but here goes: I see refurbished fuel injectors on eBay for around $70 a set. They are refurbished in the USA. My car is a 96 with 130,000 miles on it. Has anyone replaced their injectors with good results? I did replace injectors on an 07 Chevy HHR we have. That car had about 180,000 miles on it when I replaced them and it made the car smoother running and improved throttle response.
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Name : Larry
Age : 68
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Fuel injectors  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel injectors    Fuel injectors  EmptyMon Nov 16, 2020 1:40 pm

Several guys have used this service with good results,

98 Riviera SC3800  All stock except gutted air box.
1970 Buick GS455 Stage1, TSP built 470BBB, 602HP/589TQ
Best MPH, 116.06 MPH, Best ET, 11.54
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Fuel injectors  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel injectors    Fuel injectors  EmptyTue Nov 17, 2020 6:03 am

Cliff96 wrote:
Here I am with another question. Don't  want to be a pest but here goes: I see refurbished fuel injectors on eBay for around $70 a set. They are refurbished in the USA. My car is a 96 with 130,000 miles on it. Has anyone replaced their injectors with good results? I did replace injectors on an 07 Chevy HHR we have. That car had about 180,000 miles on it when I replaced them and it made the car smoother running and improved throttle response.

+1 to Larry, having your own injectors refurbished and flow matched is the best. If you're not too badly gummed, a bottle of Techron used per label directions may give you a similar improvement result.

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Name : Cliff
Joined : 2020-09-01
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Fuel injectors  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fuel injectors    Fuel injectors  EmptyTue Nov 17, 2020 6:26 am

I agree with you on the Techron. I've been using it for a long time. I just started driving the car for more miles and it is starting to perform better as I put more highway miles on it. The p.o. mainly drove it in city traffic around Orlando
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PostSubject: Re: Fuel injectors    Fuel injectors  Empty

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