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 96 L67 motor and trans mounts

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Name : Elwood Blues
Joined : 2020-11-26
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96 L67 motor and trans mounts Empty
PostSubject: 96 L67 motor and trans mounts   96 L67 motor and trans mounts EmptyThu Nov 26, 2020 2:21 am

I just got my 1996 Riviera with L67. I believe the motor mount and trans mounts are slightly worn even with 82k miles... However, AC Delco doesn't even make the mounts anymore. So right now there are only the DEA/Westar/Anchor mounts from Rockauto. Do these mounts last? I've heard some bad stories about them. Or is there any place I can get Delco trans mounts for the car?

My current solution: Use Delco mounts for 96-99 sc Bonnevilles, use the insert and put into the old bracket.
Trans mount: Use the aftermarket ones?
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Name : Larry
Age : 68
Location : Oakland Gardens, NY
Joined : 2007-01-23
Post Count : 2193
Merit : 150

96 L67 motor and trans mounts Empty
PostSubject: Re: 96 L67 motor and trans mounts   96 L67 motor and trans mounts EmptyThu Nov 26, 2020 10:41 am

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96 L67 motor and trans mounts
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