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 '97 Regal arms on '96 Riv

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Name : Elwood Blues
Joined : 2020-11-26
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'97 Regal arms on '96 Riv Empty
PostSubject: '97 Regal arms on '96 Riv   '97 Regal arms on '96 Riv EmptySun Jan 24, 2021 11:30 am

This is a sticky topic. I've heard about people saying that '97 Regal control arms are direct bolt-ons for 95-96 Rivieras. But someone also said that the Regal arms had totally different suspension geometry. Can anyone confirm this?
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Location : Central IL
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'97 Regal arms on '96 Riv Empty
PostSubject: Re: '97 Regal arms on '96 Riv   '97 Regal arms on '96 Riv EmptyMon Jan 25, 2021 10:41 am

They do bolt on, but they also push the wheel a bit forward in the wheel well compared to stock arms.  I ran them for a bit while i had my arms off to replace the bushings in them.  With 225/55/16's it would rub on full lock.
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'97 Regal arms on '96 Riv
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