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 Alternator wiring

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Ryan from Ohio

Name : Ryan
Location : Toledo, Ohio
Joined : 2008-11-16
Post Count : 307
Merit : 7

Alternator wiring Empty
PostSubject: Alternator wiring   Alternator wiring EmptySat Nov 29, 2008 11:46 pm

Im hoping for a definitive answer here.

1995 Buick Riviera 3.8 NOT S/c. Alternator plug has a red and a gray wire.

2005 Chevy Impala 3.8 NOT S/C alternator plug has a red and a orange wire.

I want to put the 105 Amp Alt from the Impala into the Rivi as Im doing a motor swap with the impala motor. The water pump housing is different and wont allow me the use of the old alternator and I have the motor installed.....

So I need to know if I can splice the old wiring into the newer alternator.

From what Ive found:

95 Rivi
Red= Generator
Gray= unknown

05 Impala
Red= Generator turn on signal
Orange= appears to be battery + voltage?

Yes I know the Rivi has a 140 Amp alt and this alts only 105 Amps. It will be fine or in worse case scenario I can order a high output alt.
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Ryan from Ohio

Name : Ryan
Location : Toledo, Ohio
Joined : 2008-11-16
Post Count : 307
Merit : 7

Alternator wiring Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alternator wiring   Alternator wiring EmptySun Nov 30, 2008 6:04 pm

Well I ended up figuring this out. That whole water outlet is modular...

So I switched them out.
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Alternator wiring
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