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 something with traction control

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Name : Brandon
Age : 33
Location : Macomb, Michigan
Joined : 2008-12-02
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something with traction control Empty
PostSubject: something with traction control   something with traction control EmptySat Jul 11, 2009 12:05 am

ok guys for the past few weeks my riviera has made this wired noise when i am reversing and sometimes when im taking off. it locks up my brakes until i push them down a little then it goes away for a little and then comes back. i have no idea what the problem is, i was thinking it might have something to do with the traction control because right when i turn the car on and the traction control off there is no noise and the brakes dont lock up at all. it would be great if you guys could help me find out what the problem is.

thanks, Brandon
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Name : Eric
Location : Indianapolis, IN
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something with traction control Empty
PostSubject: Re: something with traction control   something with traction control EmptySat Jul 11, 2009 12:54 am

You have a bad hub.
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Name : Brandon
Age : 33
Location : Macomb, Michigan
Joined : 2008-12-02
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something with traction control Empty
PostSubject: Re: something with traction control   something with traction control EmptySat Jul 11, 2009 2:35 am

Oh ok. Thanks.
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Name : Timo
Age : 38
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something with traction control Empty
PostSubject: Re: something with traction control   something with traction control EmptySat Jul 11, 2009 7:12 am


where exactly dos the sound come? from front or back of the car?
are the brakes making a noise?
well mine did some squeeking noise sometimes on reversing..
found out later that the rear brake callibers one side was stuck..so when it braked the calibre pressed the brake bads sideways against the rootors that made the bads wear only from one side so they where weared on angle..
had to take the calibers off and clean the sliding parts.
and replace new bads...after that the problem was solved.

but also can be the hub like Eric ementioned.

could help more if u descrive the noise...and where it exactly comes..
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Name : Derek
Age : 52
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something with traction control Empty
PostSubject: Re: something with traction control   something with traction control EmptySat Jul 11, 2009 7:22 am

Sounds like a bad wheel speed sensor (hub).
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