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 caliper paint

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Name : Kenneth
Age : 42
Location : Roseville, MI
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caliper paint Empty
PostSubject: caliper paint   caliper paint EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 7:41 pm

where can i find caliper paint, not spray paint, but the kind they put on with a small brush? I saw it on the speed channel on saturday morning and it was a bright cherry red and didnt fade or peel
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Name : Rick
Location : Lancaster, MA
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caliper paint Empty
PostSubject: Re: caliper paint   caliper paint EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 7:53 pm

I saw some brush on caliper paint at my local Advanced Auto Parts store recently.
I believe it was a Duplicolor product
I was told by one of the guys that work there that the brush on stuff doesn't have a very good finish, even when done properly. He tried it and ended up stripping it off and spray painting. It didn't fill the porous alum or cast metal calipers well and generally looked like crap when it dried.
If you Google "Caliper Paint" you'll find options.

Last edited by Rickw on Sat Aug 22, 2009 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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caliper paint Empty
PostSubject: Re: caliper paint   caliper paint EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 8:09 pm

also Google POR-15, which is a rustproof hi temp coating quite usable for caliper paint.

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Name : Rick
Location : Lancaster, MA
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caliper paint Empty
PostSubject: Re: caliper paint   caliper paint EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 8:40 pm

Just looked at their site.
They make specific kit for calipers as well as many other applications.
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Name : Matthew
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caliper paint Empty
PostSubject: Re: caliper paint   caliper paint EmptySat Aug 22, 2009 9:48 pm

i've used the duplicolor SPRAY caliper paint many times, with great success. it last quite awhile, is about as user friendly as a rattle can can get (very hard to get runs with it), and has a nice finish.
make sure you let it fully cure for 24+hrs before bolting anything up or it can smudge.
never tried the can stuff. cans cost $7 and the box is like twice that for the same coverage.

1996 with 254k miles, L32 4" FWI -> ported N* -> Ported Gen V w/3.0" Pulley, Stage 3 Phenolic I/C, ZZP FMHE, 1.84 RR, Headers and 3" pipe to mufflers, F-body brakes, and lowered on Eibachs. -RIP
AMG C400 White on black. Stage 2 w/E30 - 11.9@117 -daily
caliper paint Dsc_0110
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Name : Kenneth
Age : 42
Location : Roseville, MI
Joined : 2008-05-17
Post Count : 709
Merit : 6

caliper paint Empty
PostSubject: Re: caliper paint   caliper paint EmptyFri Sep 11, 2009 1:08 am

alright thanks you guys!
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caliper paint Empty
PostSubject: Re: caliper paint   caliper paint Empty

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