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 Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18

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3 posters

Name : Derek
Age : 52
Location : Reading, MA
Joined : 2007-01-31
Post Count : 7717
Merit : 109

Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 Empty
PostSubject: Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18   Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 EmptySun Sep 27, 2009 6:33 pm

I'm going to this event with my Riv. It's a long trip, somebody else should bring a Riv to keep me company!!!

Not sure how to link to it besides this:


from my understanding there are several regional Pontiac clubs invited as well. I'll be there for racing on Friday and Saturday, and skipping the show on Sunday.

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Name : steve
Age : 71
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Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18   Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 EmptySun Sep 27, 2009 6:58 pm

Derek here is a link from Buick performance site
Larry70gs from here will be there running his stage1 Larry is known as the wizard over there
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Name : Abe
Location : DC/DMV Area
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Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18   Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 EmptySun Sep 27, 2009 7:01 pm

I SHOULD be able to make it. I just mapquested it and its less than 2 hours away so i should be able to make it. Is there a test and tune or is it strictly bracket racing?
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Name : Derek
Age : 52
Location : Reading, MA
Joined : 2007-01-31
Post Count : 7717
Merit : 109

Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18   Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 EmptySun Sep 27, 2009 7:05 pm

Friday is all test and tune. Saturday I think the morning is mixed but most of the day is eliminations.

Btw Cecil dragway is also well known as the 'downhill track'. Expect to set your fastest times here!

I am driving 7 hours to get here, if you are within 2 hours you should definitely come!!!
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Name : Derek
Age : 52
Location : Reading, MA
Joined : 2007-01-31
Post Count : 7717
Merit : 109

Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18   Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 EmptyWed Oct 14, 2009 8:22 pm

Well this event is mostly rained out. Friday is cancelled, and Saturday is still pending but local weather outlook is for 80% chance of rain. I was counting on Friday making my trip worthwhile, since that's a full prepped test n tune day, and Saturday was only TnT in the morning, with bracket racing in the afternoon. If I can't get Friday, it's really not worth making the long trip for me.

If you are close, and Saturday doesn't get rained out, you should go support the local Buick groups, but you'll have to do it without me.
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Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18   Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18 Empty

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Cecil County MD dragway October 16-18
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