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 Got the green riv back

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Name : Jason
Age : 41
Location : Comox, BC, Canada
Joined : 2007-01-23
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Got the green riv back Empty
PostSubject: Got the green riv back   Got the green riv back EmptySun Nov 21, 2010 1:35 pm

I just got back from a deployment to Kandahar last week. It's great to be back home. Some of you may remember I had sold my lightly modded green Riviera last year. Well, it turns out the deal went South. The buyer declared bankruptcy, never made any payments and never painted my black WB4 roadmaster wagon. I kept the car registered to my name, so I'm just going to go pick it up tomorrow.

With the amount of cars I have, I'll be looking to sell one of the Rivs. It'll simply be a matter of deciding which. Mel would like to keep her white (stock) one. It has 40k km (25k mi). I'd like to keep the green one which has about 66k km (42000 mi). My father has already expressed interest in buying whichever one I sell, but I know he'd prefer the stock one. I just need to convince the fiancée she needs the cammed riv...

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Name : ILAN
Age : 33
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Got the green riv back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got the green riv back   Got the green riv back EmptySun Nov 21, 2010 2:06 pm

Definitely keep the one with 25k miles. That's especially low for 12 years of service!
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Name : Dave
Age : 60
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Got the green riv back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got the green riv back   Got the green riv back EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 12:02 am

Sell one of the wagons and keep both Rivs. Your welcome.
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Name : David
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Got the green riv back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got the green riv back   Got the green riv back EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 7:10 am

Keep the 25k one. Good thing the buyer never painted that black WB4, those look friggin awesome!
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Got the green riv back Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got the green riv back   Got the green riv back EmptyMon Nov 22, 2010 3:39 pm

...thank you for serving in Kandahar...

as for the cammed Riv, remind your finace she deserves a car as (ahem) powerful as matches her gracefulness...

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PostSubject: Re: Got the green riv back   Got the green riv back Empty

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