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 Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move

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T Riley
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Name : Tyler
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Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move   Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 EmptyThu Sep 19, 2013 4:28 pm

I never noticed it because im fairly tall, but a guy came to test drive my car yesterday, and the drivers seat wouldnt move far enough forward for him to reach the pedals. Th passenger seat moves all the way forward, but the drivers seat only moves forward two inches or so. All of the other functions for the power seats work fine. There is nothing jammed in the tracks that i can see.
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Name : Bryson
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Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move   Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 EmptySun Dec 29, 2013 7:12 pm

Hi guys,
My passenger power seat goes all the way forward and starts going back but, doesn't go all the way, further inspection when i hold the motor when moving the seat back, it will struggle till it stops, i think its the motor, where can i get a new motor or is that even the problem?
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Name : Ted
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Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move   Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 EmptyFri May 15, 2015 12:14 pm

Hi to all...

I am having a hard time troubleshooting the seat mess in my 1999 Riviera. The memory switch works fine with position 2 set to send the seat all the way forward and all the way up, exit will send the seat all the way back and all the way down, but manually the seat will only move down and back. So motors are working and I figure the switch is bad. I replaced the switch on the seat with a NOS that I verified as fully functional but the problem persists. I fear the much dreaded memory module is to blame but none are available.

Any thoughts?

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Name : Scott
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Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move   Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 EmptyFri May 15, 2015 3:08 pm

Can you read a schematic?
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Name : Ted
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Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move   Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 EmptyFri May 15, 2015 3:23 pm

I am an Electrical Engineer. I hope I can read a schematic or I wasted all that education.... happy happy
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Name : Scott
Location : Macomb, Michigan
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Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move   Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 EmptyFri May 15, 2015 3:44 pm

Dagwood(TSRW) wrote:
I am an Electrical Engineer.

Oh boy. Logic has just gone out the window! JK. I'm a "technician". Hopefully you get the joke....

Here's the schematics for the Driver Seat.

This is for the SEAT SWITCH relative to the motors
Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 _99_ri10

This is for the SEAT SWITCH relative to the Memory Seat Module
Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 _99_ri11

Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 _99_ri13

Finally, here's the entire POWER/GROUND distribution for the LH seat.
Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 _99_ri14

I'm not all that great at diagnosing Interior stuff, but I can try and help....
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Name : Ted
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Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move   Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 EmptySat May 16, 2015 10:25 am

Thanks! I appreciate this!
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Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move   Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 EmptySun May 17, 2015 10:50 pm

Dagwood(TSRW) wrote:
Hi to all...

I am having a hard time troubleshooting the seat mess in my 1999 Riviera. The memory switch works fine with position 2 set to send the seat all the way forward and all the way up, exit will send the seat all the way back and all the way down, but manually the seat will only move down and back. So motors are working and I figure the switch is bad. I replaced the switch on the seat with a NOS that I verified as fully functional but the problem persists. I fear the much dreaded memory module is to blame but none are available.

Any thoughts?


After your troubleshooting:

- look for evidence of the memory module having been inundated with eater or otherwise compromised (it is under the seat, after all, people spill stuff there sometimes)

- if you need a replacement module, try Ed Morad (moradpartscompany.com or ebay)

- you may be able to open and inspect the module and test/replace components at the component level.

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PostSubject: Re: Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move   Power Seat Problems - Seat Leans or Wont Move - Page 6 Empty

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