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 Car will not go into park! Please help!

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Name : Charlie
Age : 39
Location : Knoxville, TN
Joined : 2011-05-17
Post Count : 3924
Merit : 31

Car will not go into park! Please help!  Empty
PostSubject: Car will not go into park! Please help!    Car will not go into park! Please help!  EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 7:37 pm

Guys, I just got the center console off and my car will go to every gear but park! it's sitting outside in neutral with keys locked in.
I only unplugged the 2 cigarette lighter plugs but why would that affect the park gear? Please help!!!

I cannot see any reason why this would happen. Also, the security light turned on. What is going on!?
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Name : Charlie
Age : 39
Location : Knoxville, TN
Joined : 2011-05-17
Post Count : 3924
Merit : 31

Car will not go into park! Please help!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Car will not go into park! Please help!    Car will not go into park! Please help!  EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 7:43 pm

Thank goodness, I am just an idiot. I didnt put the pin back into the knob because i just wanted to see if i could drive without the console on. Well the shift knob wasnt all the way down so there wasnt enough pressure to shift gears.
wow, almost had a heart attack.
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Car will not go into park! Please help!
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