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 Supercharger woes

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Name : Fern
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Supercharger woes Empty
PostSubject: Supercharger woes   Supercharger woes EmptySun Apr 01, 2012 4:12 am

My Supercharger has been making this rocks/grinding noise from the throttle body area. I replaced the front plastic coupler and unfortunately that didn't solve much. So I thought maybe the needle bearings. I did some research on the forum and realized I can't change the needle bearings without a press of some sort and drilling and tapping, so I decided to buy another used low miles supercharger that came of a 97 park avenue. Will this supercharger work for my car? Is there a easier way to fix my current supercharger instead of spending way more money? Another problem I ran into was that while I removed the supercharger I tore the gasket and its stuck in pieces on the plenum. How do I get this off? I tried a razor blade but I don't want to score and scratch it... It's driving me crazy!! mad

Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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Name : robotennis
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PostSubject: Re: Supercharger woes   Supercharger woes EmptySun Apr 01, 2012 4:25 am

Fern88 wrote:
My Supercharger has been making this rocks/grinding noise from the throttle body area. I replaced the front plastic coupler and unfortunately that didn't solve much. So I thought maybe the needle bearings. I did some research on the forum and realized I can't change the needle bearings without a press of some sort and drilling and tapping, so I decided to buy another used low miles supercharger that came of a 97 park avenue. Will this supercharger work for my car? Is there a easier way to fix my current supercharger instead of spending way more money? Another problem I ran into was that while I removed the supercharger I tore the gasket and its stuck in pieces on the plenum. How do I get this off? I tried a razor blade but I don't want to score and scratch it... It's driving me crazy!! mad

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

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Name : Samuel
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Supercharger woes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Supercharger woes   Supercharger woes EmptySun Apr 01, 2012 5:45 am

A 97 M90 will not fit a 95 M62 if I remember correctly. As far as cleaning the old gasket, there is a special tool for cleaning aluminum. A rubbery small disk with little rubber fingers as not to scratch OR leave debris.
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Name : Fern
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Supercharger woes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Supercharger woes   Supercharger woes EmptySat Apr 07, 2012 4:37 am

Thanks for the replies guys. It is very appreciated. I tried looking for those rubber disks for cleaning aluminum but no one seems to know what I'm talking about. Is there a name for them?
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Name : patrick gervais
Location : muskegon.mi
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Supercharger woes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Supercharger woes   Supercharger woes EmptySat Apr 07, 2012 8:28 am

They are MMM Roloc abrasive brushes. You will need a air drill or die grinder and the Roloc adapter.
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Name : Corey
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Supercharger woes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Supercharger woes   Supercharger woes EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 1:44 am

How much is a used supercharger? brand new they are like 2 grand it seems, but my friend tells me I can grab one for $75 out of a junkyard. this seems impossible someone would sell something that cheap
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Name : Greg
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Supercharger woes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Supercharger woes   Supercharger woes EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 9:53 am

At a local junkyard i saw an m62 in a 95 riv. I asked a price just out of curiosity and he said $175.
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Name : patrick gervais
Location : muskegon.mi
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Supercharger woes Empty
PostSubject: Re: Supercharger woes   Supercharger woes EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 7:20 pm

There are many rebuilt units on E-Bay for varying prices. If you aren't comfortable with repairing your own this may be the way to go.
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