welcome aboard... if you haven't installed the engine yet, I'd change the waterpump and any accesories while you have room.
AND, I'd modify the lower washer on the engine mount on the passenger side by the belts. The long 3-4" washer. Cut it about 1.5" from one end. When reinstalling the engine, put the cut piece and the remaining piece together (to make a whole washer again) but make sure the cut piece is towards the engine.
This is done to make changing the belts easier the next time you need to. That big washer is so long, that when you want to change the belts you have to take that washer off. But it's so long that you have to drop the engine on that side a little so that washer will come out (if you don't drop the engine some, that washer is too long and bumps against the frame...preventing the belts from being able to be taken off)
BUT, once you cut the washer, the next time you need to change belts, you undo the bolt going through the washer, and when you move the washer, it will still hit the frame, but the 1.5" piece can pop out...and the belt can then go through that 1.5" gap...
whew! I hope I made some sense..But that's the best tip someone gave me here...saves so much time!!!