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 Seat motors won't work.

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Name : Corey
Age : 33
Location : JMU virginia
Joined : 2011-07-25
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Seat motors won't work. Empty
PostSubject: Seat motors won't work.   Seat motors won't work. EmptyMon Jan 28, 2013 2:22 pm

So I have all my electrical issues fixed now other than the fact that my seat controls no longer work. They do work if I use alligator clips and jump them to a 12v battery. I just replaced any fuse I could find that looked even slightly odd, and it still won't work.

The good news: Somehow my battery indicator dash light is no longer popping up. A while ago my gauge cluster backlight just randomly fixed itself. I didn't even do anything.

Anyway there was a random 20 amp busted fuse and a fuse missing somewhere and I replaced them, and replaced a few that looked corroded or funny. I regularly check my fuses whenever any problem electrical comes up so basically somehow my car fixed itself, or there was one of the fuses that looked funny that didn't look busted but didn't work.

Downside: my sound system is complete garbage right now and I'm too poor to get a third Alpine driver and a 1 ohm stable amp that pushes over 750 watts RMS @ 2ohms. Also my MBquart RA4200 amp caught on fire while I was diagnosing it (not in the car), my Alpine MRP-450 400 watt monoblock class D sub amp no longer works but turns on. no idea what's wrong with it. I'm modifying my clip in door panels to fit my Alpine type S 6.5" component speakers. I plan on having the rough shape out of plastic using premade plastic ring adapters on top, then vacuum molding baked acrylic sheets to it, then make a positive vacuum mold of fibreglass when I can get the equipment to make my own simple vacuum mold system up. Then I'll pretty much screw and epoxy that into the door panel and it will look stock and not vibrate at all, and have a little more space.

Kinda went out on a limb there with the audio lol but oh well. Any ideas on why my seat controls don't work?
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Seat motors won't work. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Seat motors won't work.   Seat motors won't work. EmptySat Mar 09, 2013 10:36 am

Seat control failure = logical consequence of prior wiring hacks.

Trace the wiring back and look for chafing. Also look for splices, and repair them. Also look for water or physical damage at the connectors.

There is no fuse you replaced that runs the seats. The seat "fuses" are thermal breakers under the rear seat. I bet at least one of those therms is hot. One thing you can do is to pull it (gently using pliers they will be too hot for fingers). Before you pull it go to pickandpull junkyard and get some spares (new they are like 20 bucks each, some pep's let you have them free or for 50 cts or a buck or
2. When getting them from junkyard be sure to read the markings on to so they are the same amps as the ones in the car.

With replacements in hand then just swap the hotels ones. You may hear it click, then wiggle the underseat wires to see if it resets. If it is not left hot too long it will reset pretty fast. It should take only 15 to 30 minutes to suss out what is wrong with the seats. My guess is chafed wiring.
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Seat motors won't work.
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