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 Torque value for chassis ground bolt

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Name : Al Roethlisberger
Age : 55
Location : Sanford, NC
Joined : 2013-03-12
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Torque value for chassis ground bolt Empty
PostSubject: Torque value for chassis ground bolt   Torque value for chassis ground bolt EmptySun Sep 29, 2013 9:10 pm

The factory service manual doesn't seem to provide the recommended torque value for the primary chassis ground, where the negative battery terminal is grounded under the back seat on the passenger side. It just says, make sure it is tight.

I've removed mine a handful of times to add a couple grounds and although I can tighten it to what seems acceptable, it also feels like it is just on the brink of stripping out. It's hard to tell if it is tight enough though or even over tightened.

Does anyone know what the torque value is for this bolt?

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Name : Aaron
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Torque value for chassis ground bolt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Torque value for chassis ground bolt   Torque value for chassis ground bolt EmptyMon Sep 30, 2013 1:11 am

It really doesn't need much torque at all. Just snug enough to make the ground connector crush flat to the chassis, and not so loose that it will vibrate the screw free. 10 ft-lb should do it.

Torque specs are more important for structural assemblies, moving suspension components, and engine parts that expand & contract with heat.
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Name : robotennis
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Torque value for chassis ground bolt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Torque value for chassis ground bolt   Torque value for chassis ground bolt EmptyMon Sep 30, 2013 11:35 am

Before resembling the connections I would get some sandpaper and sand the terminals until bright.this will give you a good corrosion free ground connection.
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Name : Al Roethlisberger
Age : 55
Location : Sanford, NC
Joined : 2013-03-12
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Merit : 24

Torque value for chassis ground bolt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Torque value for chassis ground bolt   Torque value for chassis ground bolt EmptyMon Sep 30, 2013 9:21 pm

Thanks guys
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Torque value for chassis ground bolt
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