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 97 rear struts

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Name : Leonard Bernard Rapkins
Age : 83
Location : Monroe NC
Joined : 2010-11-25
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97 rear struts Empty
PostSubject: 97 rear struts   97 rear struts EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 5:38 pm

Is it possible to replace the rear struts with ones that do not need to be connected to the automatic levelling system? if it isnt can someone recommend which struts to use
Len Rapkins
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Name : Matt
Age : 28
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97 rear struts Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 rear struts   97 rear struts EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 6:24 pm

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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
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97 rear struts Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 rear struts   97 rear struts EmptyMon Jun 30, 2014 11:43 pm

Lenrapkins wrote:
Is it possible to replace the rear struts with ones that do not need to be connected to the automatic levelling system? if it isnt can someone recommend which struts to use
Len Rapkins

Why, may I ask?

- if because your compressor dies, most likely we can get Eddie Spinks to rebuild it or get a replacement from Ed Morad.... I will spare the details unless needed. Should not cost crazy money.

- if because your shocks gave out, boy are you in luck. The Monroe MA822s are usually readily available for reasonable $. There are other good options too, including some sources of OE NOS shocks. From time to time you can find Sachs or KYBs also. I have the KYBs on my rear airs.. *Very* happy.

So please do tell, what's wrong?

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Name : Leonard Bernard Rapkins
Age : 83
Location : Monroe NC
Joined : 2010-11-25
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97 rear struts Empty
PostSubject: Rear Struts   97 rear struts EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 7:36 am

As usual Albert has given very sound and wise advice I posed my question bcause I just recently had my tires rotated and whilst the car was on te ramp I looked at the rear struts that looked very sorry, I asked the tech what he thought and he said that they were shot and that since they were self leveling they cost about twice much to replace as the front ones. This gave me great concern since I recently paid $450 to have the front done and along with my expensive igniton change could see that my riv was becomming expensive to keep. I am a pensioner on a fixed income and big bils really hurt but I also love my Riv and would hate to let her go'
Len Rapkins
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Name : Scott
Location : Macomb, Michigan
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97 rear struts Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 rear struts   97 rear struts EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 9:05 am

Honestly, the AC Delco replacement shocks aren't that expensive. They're $283.00 List price (come as a pair), and I'm DEFINITELY sure you can find them online for way cheaper.
P/N 19299843. Look em up.

They aren't hard to replace at all. All you need is a 10mm for the lower shock bolts, and a 13mm deep socket for the uppers. I recommend you replace the lower bolts with shorter ones, and more than likely the J-clips that the lower bolts go through are going to snap. I just use some stainless nuts and bolts to reattach them (did a set yesterday on an '03 PA).
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Name : Matt
Age : 28
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97 rear struts Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 rear struts   97 rear struts EmptyTue Jul 01, 2014 9:57 am

RockAuto has a pair listed for like 50 bucks for Monroe's. I'm half tempted to grab them even.
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
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97 rear struts Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 rear struts   97 rear struts EmptyMon Jul 07, 2014 12:50 am

Lenrapkins wrote:
As usual Albert has given very sound and wise advice   I posed my question bcause I just recently had my tires rotated and whilst the car was on te ramp I looked at the rear struts that looked very sorry, I asked the tech what he thought and he said that they were shot and that since they were self leveling they cost about twice  much to replace as the front ones. This gave me great concern since I recently paid $450 to have the front done and along  with my expensive igniton change could see that my riv was becomming expensive to keep. I am a pensioner on a fixed income and big bils really hurt but I also love my Riv and would hate to let her go'
Len Rapkins

A set that will work fine, the Monroe MA-822, are less than $100 the pair. You can replace them yourself, or have someone else do it. if you can jack the car up enough to get the rear wheel off, you can replace those things. I've done mine more than once. The only hting that you'll need thats not in the box with the Monroes are the wrenches (common box wrench set) and the speednuts that hold them on the lower control arms (they rust and freeze on, you might have to bust them off).

there's writeups on here outlining how to install them.

just sayin'... this is not a big $ maintenance item...

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