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 Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please?

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2 posters

Name : Will
Age : 39
Location : Carbondale, IL
Joined : 2014-08-03
Post Count : 97
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Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please? Empty
PostSubject: Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please?   Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please? EmptySun Sep 28, 2014 7:22 pm

Previous owner cut the OEM radio harness plug off and so I was left with a bunch of dangling wires. I'm trying to install an aftermarket radio. Well, I ID'd all the speaker wires and the ground/constant/switched wires...but now I need help figuring out what these are.

Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please? 10707910

The diagram in another thread says the purple/white is a PWM wire? What is that? I also have 3 green wires, a yellow and a gray. I'm guessing the yellow is DIM ENABLE, the gray could either be DIM SIG (?) or steering controls, and I have no idea what to make with the remaining 3 as they are different shades. Please help?

- Will
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Name : Will
Age : 39
Location : Carbondale, IL
Joined : 2014-08-03
Post Count : 97
Merit : 0

Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please?   Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please? EmptySun Sep 28, 2014 7:48 pm

Okay, I checked the wires going into the actual power antenna (not sure why I didn't think of this earlier) one of them matches the DARK GREEN wire in color, so #2 appears to be the power antenna wire...
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Name : Derek
Age : 52
Location : Reading, MA
Joined : 2007-01-31
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Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please?   Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please? EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 9:33 am

It's a very vague memory since I did it so long ago, but I remember the steering wheel controls being a green wire. For some reason I think of gray as dimmer. Put a voltmeter on them and check. If green is strg wheel, pressing one of the steering wheel buttons should show some ohms of resistance to ground instead of open. (pressing the different buttons will register different resistances). Also try turning the lights on and see which gets power, adjust the dimmer and power should drop...

Steering wheel controls is more complex too - signal comes from steering wheel to radio, then if it's an HVAC signal, leaves radio and goes to HVAC head. So there is more than one wire associated with the steering wheel controls.
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Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please?   Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please? Empty

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Can someone ID and explain these wires for me please?
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