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 Door hinge pins and bushings

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2 posters

Name : Andrew Zamiska
Age : 37
Location : Cecil, PA - 25 miles south of Pittsburgh
Joined : 2009-06-29
Post Count : 1429
Merit : 63

Door hinge pins and bushings Empty
PostSubject: Door hinge pins and bushings   Door hinge pins and bushings EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 1:33 pm

Hey everyone,

My driver's side door on my '97 is a little saggy and doesn't quite close all the way as of late. Here is the evidence:

Door hinge pins and bushings DSC06726

Door hinge pins and bushings DSC06727

Wind noise is pretty prevalent now, but luckily there's no water leaks. The door does wiggle up and down quite obviously, though not significantly. I went to the dealer today and they say replacement hardware doesn't exist anymore. Has anyone encountered this issue before on the Rivs? I can't seem to find new pins and bushings anywhere, unless it's something else I need to look for.

Thank you!

-Andrew Z
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Name : Scott
Location : Macomb, Michigan
Joined : 2010-02-24
Post Count : 4314
Merit : 185

Door hinge pins and bushings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Door hinge pins and bushings   Door hinge pins and bushings EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 1:35 pm

That's because there are no pins and bushings. You must buy the ENTIRE hinge assembly, which comes unpainted. You'd have to have it painted, then install it, or have it installed at the body shop.
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Name : Andrew Zamiska
Age : 37
Location : Cecil, PA - 25 miles south of Pittsburgh
Joined : 2009-06-29
Post Count : 1429
Merit : 63

Door hinge pins and bushings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Door hinge pins and bushings   Door hinge pins and bushings EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 1:37 pm

Ha! That's great. I'll look closer at it and see if it's something I can handle, I'm sure it's not TOO bad. I'm not real familiar with the door hardware like that so I didn't know what I was looking at smile . Off to find part numbers...
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Name : Andrew Zamiska
Age : 37
Location : Cecil, PA - 25 miles south of Pittsburgh
Joined : 2009-06-29
Post Count : 1429
Merit : 63

Door hinge pins and bushings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Door hinge pins and bushings   Door hinge pins and bushings EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 1:37 pm

...and obviously the guy at the dealer was no help in this regard. Thanks Scott..
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Name : Scott
Location : Macomb, Michigan
Joined : 2010-02-24
Post Count : 4314
Merit : 185

Door hinge pins and bushings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Door hinge pins and bushings   Door hinge pins and bushings EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 1:44 pm

Got ya covered....


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Door hinge pins and bushings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Door hinge pins and bushings   Door hinge pins and bushings Empty

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Door hinge pins and bushings
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