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 Sir Psycho Ranger

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4 posters
Sir Psycho Sexy
Sir Psycho Sexy

Name : Tyler
Age : 30
Location : Temperance, Michigan
Joined : 2012-06-22
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Sir Psycho Ranger Empty
PostSubject: Sir Psycho Ranger   Sir Psycho Ranger EmptyWed Nov 02, 2016 8:46 pm

Picked up this stallion for $260 a while back. It wasn't running and the dude didn't have time to mess with it. Body is decently clean, it turned over, and it felt like there was a clutch, so I took a chance on it. Ended up putting a $20 crankshaft position sensor in it, and now it runs like a champ. The previous owner did a bunch of suspension and brake work, and it has new tires, so it actually drives really well. It's the 2.3 I4 and 5-speed, and it has 213xxx on it.

Sir Psycho Ranger FB_IMG_1476976938440_zpsq63ayi0l

This is my old Ranger. The slave cylinder went it out, and it just had too many issues for me to justify putting the money into it, so I sold it to a buddy. If the current Ranger handles itself well, it might get dropped like this one, but only time will tell. I honestly do like the mini truck scene.

Sir Psycho Ranger IMG_20151229_164507_zps1agga1ou
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Name : Robert Cruise
Joined : 2020-08-06
Post Count : 53
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Sir Psycho Ranger Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sir Psycho Ranger   Sir Psycho Ranger EmptyThu Aug 06, 2020 11:32 am

What tires are those?
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Jack the R
Jack the R

Joined : 2007-01-16
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Sir Psycho Ranger Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sir Psycho Ranger   Sir Psycho Ranger EmptyThu Aug 06, 2020 3:53 pm

Sir Psycho Sexy hasn't been around in years. The tires look like they say "Goodyear Wrangler."
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Name : Calvin Buenavides
Joined : 2020-09-14
Post Count : 24
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Sir Psycho Ranger Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sir Psycho Ranger   Sir Psycho Ranger EmptyTue Oct 27, 2020 10:36 pm

Will it be best to close old threads to avoid new replies?
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Jack the R
Jack the R

Joined : 2007-01-16
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Sir Psycho Ranger Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sir Psycho Ranger   Sir Psycho Ranger EmptyWed Oct 28, 2020 12:40 am

The board isn't active enough to worry about it.

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Name : Robert Cruise
Joined : 2020-08-06
Post Count : 53
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Sir Psycho Ranger Empty
PostSubject: Apologies   Sir Psycho Ranger EmptyWed May 05, 2021 10:53 am

Jack the R wrote:
Sir Psycho Sexy hasn't been around in years.  The tires look like they say "Goodyear Wrangler."

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Didn't mean to bump the thread.
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Sir Psycho Ranger Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sir Psycho Ranger   Sir Psycho Ranger Empty

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Sir Psycho Ranger
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