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 front cradle

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Name : tommy z
Age : 57
Location : the Burgh
Joined : 2019-01-08
Post Count : 227
Merit : 1

front cradle Empty
PostSubject: front cradle   front cradle EmptyWed May 05, 2021 1:00 pm

i had my mech replace the cradle mounts but one of the spacers was was rusted to the top of the frame and needs patched . my question is if it cannot be patched........can i still purchase a front cradle and where? headshotfront cradle Img_0113
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front cradle Empty
PostSubject: Re: front cradle   front cradle EmptyWed May 05, 2021 2:09 pm

Rivieraz wrote:
i had my mech replace the cradle mounts but one of the spacers was was rusted to the top of the frame and needs patched . my question is if it cannot be patched........can i still purchase a front cradle and where? headshotfront cradle Img_0113

I have seen cradles on row52.com and copart from time to time.

A Riviera or an Aurora front cradle for your year Riv should work, ask the yard to double check the Hollander (or whatever lookup data base they are using).

There's more choices for the rear than the front because of front suspension revisions.
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Name : tommy z
Age : 57
Location : the Burgh
Joined : 2019-01-08
Post Count : 227
Merit : 1

front cradle Empty
PostSubject: Re: front cradle   front cradle EmptyFri May 07, 2021 1:32 pm

all is well now!sorry no pic's,my mech was able to weld a plate on the cradle.he replaced all the cradle mounts ,transmission  mount ,front and rear motor mounts  ,and he mentioned that the tranny mount was the the most time consuming. btw 4 out of the 6 cradle mounts fell apart when he removed them and only 1 bolt had to be cut off. thanks for reading! cheers 3gears
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front cradle Empty
PostSubject: Re: front cradle   front cradle Empty

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