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 Rack & Pinion PS Leak

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Name : HttpWayne
Joined : 2019-04-23
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Rack & Pinion PS Leak Empty
PostSubject: Rack & Pinion PS Leak   Rack & Pinion PS Leak EmptyTue Apr 05, 2022 3:27 pm

I just did some investigation on a power steering fluid leak. I replaced the lines and pump a few weeks ago, and before that I never really noticed a leak. This week I now have a persisting drip and my lines aren't the problem, but I see fluid dripping along a boot on the driver's side CV at the rack & pinion.

From what I understand there are seals inside the R&P that can wear out over time and cause this problem. Has anyone fixed the seals before or is it just better to replace the whole thing?

FYI this car was driven with completely shot struts and bounced like a trampoline until I replaced them at which point I saw a big dent in the front of the crossmember in front of the oil pan. I have a feeling that mofo' might be better off being replaced as a whole. Whenever I have to steer to the left on a curved road while driving I get a reverberation/vibration. It's not extreme, but clearly something is worn somewhere.

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Name : Scott
Location : Macomb, Michigan
Joined : 2010-02-24
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Rack & Pinion PS Leak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rack & Pinion PS Leak   Rack & Pinion PS Leak EmptyTue Apr 05, 2022 5:45 pm

Unless you know how to rebuild a P/S gear, I'd just get a reman and replace the whole thing. Yes the end seals go bad and leak, filling the dust boots up
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Rack & Pinion PS Leak
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