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 keyless entry kits

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Name : Ryan
Age : 36
Location : Port Richey, FL
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keyless entry kits Empty
PostSubject: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptyFri Nov 23, 2007 6:09 pm

do any of you have a keyless entry kit? if so, what brand, and did you install it yourself?
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Name : Derek
Age : 52
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PostSubject: Re: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptyFri Nov 23, 2007 9:12 pm

I have a 'compustar' remote starter/keyless entry. I did not install it myself. After working on a couple of remote starter kits with a friend who has done several I decided to have mine done professionally instead. It's kind of a headache to get it all right and the pros do it in 3 hours wheras it's a full weekend project for me.

That said, I really don't like it because it horks the factory security system. If somebody locks the doors with the door button, then unlocks it with the compustar system the factory alarm goes off. Talk about annoying. I've finally trained myself to tell everybody I loan the car to NEVER to touch the lock button. Always use the compustar remote and it will always work okay.

The other issue I have is that the signal strength/reception is sometimes decent sometimes really really really crappy. When it's bad I have to hold the remote against the windshield opposite the starter's antenna to get the doors to unlock. That's crappy.

I'd have it done at a shop, but there are so many brands of lock/unlock kits that it's really worth discussing it with several shops. Somewhere out there must be something that will work with the factory remote or at least blend in with the OEM security system somehow.
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Name : Corey
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PostSubject: Re: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptyFri Nov 23, 2007 9:39 pm

if u want good get viper, they are the BEST i dont have one yet but i will be getting one for my B-day
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Name : Anthony
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PostSubject: Re: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptySat Nov 24, 2007 1:18 am

Didnt the rivs come from the factory with keyless entry standard? i think the 96s did at least... or so my sticker says.if yours did i found a site that has the oem replacement remotes for like 35 bucks... But ive yet to receive mine but they are warranted... you want the link?
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Name : Anthony
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PostSubject: Re: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptySat Nov 24, 2007 1:19 am

http://www.originalkeyless.com/category.sc?categoryId=4 i just went ahead and posted it anyway.
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Name : Codith
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PostSubject: Re: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptySat Nov 24, 2007 1:37 am

Derek, mine does the exact same thing with the locking doors and stuff. I have a viper that was pro installed before I got the car... unfortunately. The remote start is kind of nice but I could do just fine without it. Honestly, I wish it was not installed on the car. It's more troublesome than it's worth to me. I've had some of the crimps they did get loose causing a no-start a couple times that got me pretty mad. And let me tell you, when it's 20 deg out side and I'm just peeling myself out of bed to get ready for work, the last thing i wanna do is go outside in my bare feet and pj's at 6am to try to shut off an alarm that I have zero control over because i decided to press the lock button on the doors the last night. That turned me off to it BIG TIME. I know better what not to do but of course I didn't get any kind of manual for it with the car. I still have buttons and crap that I don't know the purpose of. If I could, I would just take it out and return it to factory
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Name : Ryan
Age : 36
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PostSubject: Re: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptySat Nov 24, 2007 1:19 pm

mine didn't come with an oem keyless entry. I just wanna buy something decently cheap, I don't care about remote start and all that.. just keyless entry with an alarm, I was looking at the wiring diagram for one and it doesn't look all that tough, but like you said, it's just easier to have someone else do it.. probably sometime next week i'll take it to this audio/electronics specialty shop and check out some prices
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Name : Derek
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PostSubject: Re: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptySat Nov 24, 2007 1:26 pm

Try this: roll down your window. Lock your doors. Reach in through the window and unlock it, then open the door. Does an alarm go off? (If so, unlock it with the key to turn the alarm off)

If yes, you can still have the same problem we described above if you lock the doors with the button.
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Name : Rob
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PostSubject: Re: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptySat Nov 24, 2007 2:22 pm

Mine has an OEM alarm disarm
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Name : Ryan
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PostSubject: Re: keyless entry kits   keyless entry kits EmptySat Nov 24, 2007 6:10 pm

I guess my 97 got every option besides the alarm lol
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