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 power mirrors and seat memory problem

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power mirrors and seat memory problem Empty
PostSubject: power mirrors and seat memory problem   power mirrors and seat memory problem EmptyMon Nov 26, 2007 6:23 pm

I can not move the outside mirrors and the seat memory stop working. The seat and mirrors seem to go into a preset spot when I use the unlock on one key fob but not the other?? The passenger mirror tilt option still works. Can any one help with this. thanks gofastsix@hotmail.com
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
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power mirrors and seat memory problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: power mirrors and seat memory problem   power mirrors and seat memory problem EmptySat Dec 01, 2007 9:56 pm

Probably need to replace the BCM (body control module), under the drivers' seat. It has the part number on it, so you can use


to find price of a replacement. THey are not that much. Dealer or someone with a Tech II scanner has to install it in order to initialize it so it will work fully.

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Joined : 2007-11-11
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power mirrors and seat memory problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: power mirrors and seat memory problem   power mirrors and seat memory problem EmptySun Dec 02, 2007 7:44 pm

thanks I will look into that.
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Name : Adam
Location : Renton, WA - 1996 Riv
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power mirrors and seat memory problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: power mirrors and seat memory problem   power mirrors and seat memory problem EmptyWed Apr 02, 2008 11:30 pm

Any more news with this? I have the same problem and have replaced the relay under the rear seat and it worked for awhile and then stopped. Seats and mirrors will not move....
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Name : Kelly
Age : 33
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power mirrors and seat memory problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: power mirrors and seat memory problem   power mirrors and seat memory problem EmptyMon May 19, 2008 4:37 pm

haha yall aint alone i have the same dam problem....but i never even got to try it cuz mine didnt work when i bought the car.....
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
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power mirrors and seat memory problem Empty
PostSubject: Re: power mirrors and seat memory problem   power mirrors and seat memory problem EmptyWed Jun 18, 2008 11:02 am

Adam and Kelly: one thing to try is to have he dealer (or an acquaintance with a Tech II) try re-porgramming the BCM.

Again, they are relatively inexpensive. Might also consider buying one yourself new or used, then taking it to the dealer to initialize. (probably cheaper to just buy from dealer).

Also, look at the relays and see if they are damaged (water/heat).

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