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 Poly Engine Mounts

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T Riley
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Poly Engine Mounts?
Yes, I'm in!
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 97% [ 37 ]
No, I'll pass.
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Name : Matthew
Age : 38
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySat Dec 20, 2008 7:13 pm

rick, provided i have the cash, i'll take a set of calipers and mounts from you.

1996 with 254k miles, L32 4" FWI -> ported N* -> Ported Gen V w/3.0" Pulley, Stage 3 Phenolic I/C, ZZP FMHE, 1.84 RR, Headers and 3" pipe to mufflers, F-body brakes, and lowered on Eibachs. -RIP
AMG C400 White on black. Stage 2 w/E30 - 11.9@117 -daily
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Name : Rick
Location : Lancaster, MA
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySat Dec 20, 2008 7:25 pm

I'll PM you when I'm done. I'm just going to total the cost of all the parts and pieces i bought to rebuild and make up the kit's. I'm not looking for any profit. I'll be selling them ready for paint.
You'll have to buy the paint color of your choice or leave them the way they are and also need two 20" brake lines/hoses to replace originals which will be too short.
I recommend ZZP for stainless braided made for the bonneville. That's what i bought for my car, work good, last long time. And Brake Pads of your choice to fit 98-02 camaro or firebird.
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Name : Anthony
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySat Dec 20, 2008 9:19 pm

Rick, I am definately interested just make sure that they are the mounts for the 1998, I am not sure what year mounts are interchangeable.
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Name : Rick
Location : Lancaster, MA
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PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySat Dec 20, 2008 9:23 pm

Well, I'll be doing a set for my car first and it's an 1998. So i will be sure what fit's that year anyway. But from what I'm told they are all the same. I still need to do a little research and verify.
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Name : Anthony
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySat Dec 20, 2008 9:47 pm

Sounds good, let me know your progress, keep me posted.
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySat Dec 20, 2008 10:53 pm

Basically what I learned so far is that it makes sense to figure out which way the forces push against the mounts. So the higher durometer poly would be put in the side of the mount that the engine slams against when you accelerate hard but otherwise be softer (stock) durometer. Also because of the mixed materials, that ought to get rid of any harmonics that would lead to vibrations at certain speeds.

Still workin' on it.

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Name : Anthony
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySun Dec 21, 2008 1:29 am

I'm definitely in for a set of mounts. I think mine are starting to get a little worn , not too bad yet but keep me posted.
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Name : Matthew
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySun Mar 15, 2009 7:09 pm

OK so i was in desperate need of a new front tranny mount. mine had cracked almost all the way through and was having major shift shock going into R.
i didnt want to spend the $$ on the online poly mix, and i wasnt sure if i wanted the mount to be solid epoxy lol so, here was my solution-
i went to the local Lowes and bought a tube of this (<$4)
Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 P3110010

then i pulled off the mount and filled up the area around the rubber with this stuff. i wrapped one side of the mount with alum foil to prevent it from coming out the other side. make sure you dont get any air bubbles in it too.
Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 P3110011
Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 P3110012

i let it sit for 36hrs, the tube says "one week before painting", and it probably takes that long to 100% cure. i had to drive home the next morning so 36hrs had to do.
if i were to do it again i'd wait as long a possible, but 36hrs would be ok to lightly drive on. the only thing that happen is the top fill area oozed out a little bit after 2hrs of driving.

it is heat resistant, easy to work with (wear glove though), and hardens to slightly firmer than rubber. i highly recommend this solution to anyone in need of new OEM strength mounts for cheap! the motor moves a LOT less now. my next move is to fill the rear trans mount frown but i hear it is a pita to get out...maybe i can fill it on the car idea

1996 with 254k miles, L32 4" FWI -> ported N* -> Ported Gen V w/3.0" Pulley, Stage 3 Phenolic I/C, ZZP FMHE, 1.84 RR, Headers and 3" pipe to mufflers, F-body brakes, and lowered on Eibachs. -RIP
AMG C400 White on black. Stage 2 w/E30 - 11.9@117 -daily
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Name : Derek
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySun Mar 15, 2009 8:03 pm

Nice solution! It's not pretty, but I am considering it for mine too!!
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Name : Matthew
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptySun Mar 15, 2009 8:22 pm

it's not that bad really. i could have made it look better, but it's black and hidden behind the bracket anyways.

1996 with 254k miles, L32 4" FWI -> ported N* -> Ported Gen V w/3.0" Pulley, Stage 3 Phenolic I/C, ZZP FMHE, 1.84 RR, Headers and 3" pipe to mufflers, F-body brakes, and lowered on Eibachs. -RIP
AMG C400 White on black. Stage 2 w/E30 - 11.9@117 -daily
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Name : Leonard Bernard Rapkins
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 6:23 pm

Sign me up for mounts also.
Len Rapkins
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Name : Rick
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 6:54 pm

Old thread and I don't think anyone has taken on the responsibility to have mounts made for a group buy.
It has come down to individuals doing what they want to do for themselves, I believe.
If something else is in the works I'd like to know as well. Right now, I just plan on using 3m window weld to shore up my mounts, and mine were replaced with new a couple of years ago. The OEM ones stink.
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Name : Chris L
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Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Poly Engine Mounts   Poly Engine Mounts - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 8:09 pm

This couldn't happen at a better time. I'm in a hundred times"yes". Have been searching for the mounts for a couple of weeks now with basically no luck except for the rear trans only. This would finally be something for the Riviera that is very much needed to improve one of the ultra mushy comfort oriented setup. I need them now to go along with the addco sway bars and ploy link brushing to give our Rivs more of the hi-performance feel that we are mostly striving for. Perfect timing to whomever is getting this done. Let me know b/c I will prepay if needed Aaron.
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