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 bigger rims?

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Name : dan
Age : 37
Location : southern tier (naples), ny
Joined : 2008-03-20
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bigger rims? Empty
PostSubject: bigger rims?   bigger rims? EmptySun Apr 13, 2008 9:51 pm

i was considering putting larger rims on my riv- maybe 18s, but a friend of mine whose a mechanic said that larger rims and smaller tires will make the ride a lot rougher, i was wondering if any of you had that experience changing your rims, was it significant and do you live in an area where the roads are somewhat rough, cause i do. input would be appreciated, thanks
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Name : Anthony
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bigger rims? Empty
PostSubject: Re: bigger rims?   bigger rims? EmptySun Apr 13, 2008 10:05 pm

This is true , but i dont think 18s would be that bad , and on a car that rides as smooth as the riv i doubt you'll even notice.
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Jack the R
Jack the R

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bigger rims? Empty
PostSubject: Re: bigger rims?   bigger rims? EmptySun Apr 13, 2008 10:16 pm

There are a few guys here with 18's and larger. I haven't heard a complaint about ride quality yet. If you pick a rim that is heavier than the stockers though you may notice an drop in overall performance, depending on how much heavier it is. You can find 20" alloys though that don't weigh much more than the stock rims.
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Name : Eric
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bigger rims? Empty
PostSubject: Re: bigger rims?   bigger rims? EmptySun Apr 13, 2008 10:50 pm

I was expecting a jarring ride when I went to 20" and I was pleased because it wasen't. Granted, you will notice potholes a little more but I don't think you will be affected by ride quality expecially if you go 18" with stock diameter tire. Keep an eye on weight! My first set were great looking but heavier than hell. The ones I have now are 13lbs lighter per wheel and it is amazing what difference it makes.
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Name : dan
Age : 37
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bigger rims? Empty
PostSubject: Re: bigger rims?   bigger rims? EmptyMon Apr 14, 2008 11:12 pm

thanks for the input guys, it helps a lot with my decision
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Name : Corey
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bigger rims? Empty
PostSubject: Re: bigger rims?   bigger rims? EmptyMon Apr 14, 2008 11:42 pm

if u need help picking a set let me know i will help u out
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Name : Darrin
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bigger rims? Empty
PostSubject: Re: bigger rims?   bigger rims? EmptyTue Apr 15, 2008 10:13 am

Just don't get 22's. I can guarantee with almost certainty that I will crack or severely bend a rim before the summer is over..
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