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 Traction Control Keeps going off

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Traction Control Keeps going off Empty
PostSubject: Traction Control Keeps going off   Traction Control Keeps going off EmptyWed May 28, 2008 9:32 pm

The light will come on randomly and stay on when I'm driving the car sometimes. It won't go out unless I turn the car off and who knows when it will come on agian. Anyone have any ideas other than paying the Dealer a shit load to tell me its beyond his understanding?
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Name : Dave
Age : 58
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Traction Control Keeps going off Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traction Control Keeps going off   Traction Control Keeps going off EmptyWed May 28, 2008 9:38 pm

oldirtyriviera wrote:
The light will come on randomly and stay on when I'm driving the car sometimes. It won't go out unless I turn the car off and who knows when it will come on agian. Anyone have any ideas other than paying the Dealer a shit load to tell me its beyond his understanding?

Mine been doing the same thing. Someone posted about this a wile back I think it was a wheel sensor. I just turn my key to on then off 3 times cranking the car on the 3rd time and the light gos off.
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Name : Jason
Age : 40
Location : Comox, BC, Canada
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Traction Control Keeps going off Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traction Control Keeps going off   Traction Control Keeps going off EmptyWed May 28, 2008 11:23 pm

Do any other lights turn on, namely the abs light?
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Traction Control Keeps going off Empty
PostSubject: Re: Traction Control Keeps going off   Traction Control Keeps going off Empty

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Traction Control Keeps going off
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