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 engines in a 1995 riv

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Name : Pat
Age : 37
Location : Mentor ohio
Joined : 2008-07-13
Post Count : 69
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engines in a 1995 riv Empty
PostSubject: engines in a 1995 riv   engines in a 1995 riv EmptyMon Jul 21, 2008 8:00 pm

ok so i was at the the junkyard today geting some little odds and ends for the riv. they heppen to have a a1995 riv there ins the one i got my fuel pump out of i poped the hood and its got a L36 series 2 in it is this a factory in the 1995 n/a but not for the sc cause I have a sc L67 series 1 in my riv.
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Name : Derek
Age : 52
Location : Reading, MA
Joined : 2007-01-31
Post Count : 7717
Merit : 109

engines in a 1995 riv Empty
PostSubject: Re: engines in a 1995 riv   engines in a 1995 riv EmptyTue Jul 22, 2008 12:12 am

1995 SC was series I, 1995 N/A was series II.
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engines in a 1995 riv
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