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 L36 top swap

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Name : David
Age : 40
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PostSubject: L36 top swap   L36 top swap EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 7:29 pm

Hey guys,
I just finished swapping out my the l67 with a knock in my 97 riv and now have the old engine around for parts (l67 as well). A buddy of mine gave me his 97 riv L36 because it does start pretty cheap. The car he gave me has 140k on it. Being that I have all the parts, could I do a top swap with the parts of my bad L67 to this other car's L36 without any horrible side effects (like a rod going?). I know it would also need a PCM as well. This is just a thought, might be worth doing being I pretty much have what I need. Thanks!
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Name : Codith
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L36 top swap Empty
PostSubject: Re: L36 top swap   L36 top swap EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 7:52 pm

I don't want to thread jack but if you have a spare L67 riv underhood engine harness out of all this, I'd be interested in buyin it off you.

I'm a little confused about the first part of your post. You took a bad L67 out of your car and put in a good L36 and now your want to top swap from your old motor to get the s/c setup back on there?

Sounds good to me. Just put your original PCM back in and definitely have a stock pulley and the usual knock inhibiting modifications right off the bat and scan it. There's more info on the top swap somewhere around here. All the L67 valvetrain parts are fine right?
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Name : David
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L36 top swap Empty
PostSubject: Re: L36 top swap   L36 top swap EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 11:18 pm

Sorry, the new engine did not come with a harness. What I meant was I have a spare L67 with a knock in my garage and now have another riviera (97 L36) that I bought off a friend with a good engine. I was suppose to buy the car from him months ago but he wasn't ready to sell, and I couldn't pass up the deal he gave me. I was thinking of transferring the SC and related parts off my parts engine to the L36.
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Name : Michael
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L36 top swap Empty
PostSubject: Re: L36 top swap   L36 top swap EmptyThu Feb 11, 2010 2:46 am

The compression is higher on the l36, the zzp kits for a m90 on a l36 use a 4.2 (stock is 3.8 if I remember right). Stock pulley on l36 would be kinda like a l67 with a smaller pulley. ZZP claims 5% more power at same pulley size. To run the 3.8 pulley you would probably need some supporting mods, ZZP says some mods are needed to even run the 4.0 without knock. The ZZP kit uses different pulleys that run the supercharger of accessory belt. If you put one of those pulleys(about $110 with modular pulley hub) on it would save you from having to change the balancer and idler pulleys. The bottom end is plenty strong if that was your concern.
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