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 plans for the 95 riv this summer

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Name : Greg
Age : 31
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 3:40 pm

I've always wanted to make my riv faster, but it has a lot of miles and i use it as a daily driver. This summer i want to start to modify it lightly. My plans are:

1. use a scanner to check my ses light
2. Fix problems
3. 180* thermostat
4. Autolite 104's
5. My A/C compresser is bad, so i want to find some sort of underdrive pulley to put in its place.
6. I want to scan for KR and try a 2.6 pulley if possible

I'm curious what you guys think, and I'm open to suggestions. I really just want to get a little more power that will be realistic for daily driving and won't be real risky on my engine.
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 6:42 pm

suggest you do a search on this site to find the posts about scanners/tuners that work with the '95, then get one used off eBay or some such.

you are going to need more mods than a cold thermostat and autolite 104's to get the value from installing a 2.6: pulley...

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Name : Greg
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 7:06 pm

What sort of mods do you have in mind?
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 7:23 pm

RidzRiv wrote:
What sort of mods do you have in mind?

You need to search this site - you will find info about changing exhaust manifold, installing larger downpipe, and other changes.

With the changes you have listed, in general the PCM will negate them all, maximize timing retard to cure knock, and although you will make a little more power at the low end you won't see results at any substantial RPMs.

I have a 98 not a 95 - you *really* ought to do that search and look at the write-ups -- then ask questions of the people who posted the write-ups (most of them are still around).

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Name : Greg
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 7:38 pm

I have searched those, but from what i have found is that there aren't any other manifolds that 95 owners can buy. All of the ideas that i want to do to my car have came just from searching through not only the series 1 posts but also the series 2 posts on this forum. I also have searched a lot over on the bonneville forum.. They have a huge selection for the series 1 guys. I'm just asking for ideas
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Name : robotennis
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 8:43 pm

best bang for buck is the Sinister custom eprom chip.It will make the car perform better.
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Name : Greg
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 7:23 am

Thanks Robotennis, I looked at your older post about when you got one a while ago, and I went to their site, but i couldn't exactly figure out which mem cal to buy. I think i would rather have him make me one from his stock so that i could drive during the process.
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Name : robotennis
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 1:52 pm

You have to e-mail him and find out what he has to offer.he made mine with a deposit. when I recieved the new chip,I sent him my oem one and the deposit was refunded. he's a nice guy to work with.
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Name : Greg
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 2:34 pm

sweet, so did you use this option?.....
OBD-1 Chip / MEM-CAL Reprogramming Service .....................$65.00
Mem-Cal Adapter option ...........................................................add $45.00 (see NOTE below, requires the purchase of a blank EPROM chip also)

I know i want to get the fans to run at 180*, but i'm really not sure what else i should have done to help with a basically stock riviera. Maybe i should find an underdrive pulley and 2.6 supercharger pulley to go with a 180* thermostat. I'm worried those aren't enough mods to really run a 2.6 pulley safely, but i don't really know.
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Name : robotennis
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 2:38 pm

I actually have 2.one is a reprogramed chip with no rev limiter.The other is a no EGR chip.
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Name : Greg
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 2:44 pm

Without the rev limiter does it still shift at the same points or does that all get changed?

also did these chips also tune your fuel trims and air flow and things like that, or does the EGR delete? Sorry about all the questions, i've tried figuring as much out as i could from your post about this.
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Name : robotennis
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 6:36 pm

oops,sorry,Top speed governer disabled.rev limits are stock. sinister sent me a detailed spread sheet with all the parameteres.But I lost it. cant tell you for sure what all he did. best thing is to e-mail him and ask all the questions you have.he'll get back to you.
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Name : Greg
Age : 31
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 8:36 pm

Thanks a lot man, i really want to get 250 horsepower out of a series 1, If i keep at it and just keep modding i'm sure it's not too big of a goal. have you ever dynoed your series 1 with all of your current mods? I haven't seen a series one dyno yet.
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Name : robotennis
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plans for the 95 riv this summer Empty
PostSubject: Re: plans for the 95 riv this summer   plans for the 95 riv this summer EmptyMon Jun 06, 2011 9:01 pm

No.But I'd like to. between the 2.5 pully,and the stiffer springs,the intake manifold and exhaust header porting and the chip,she feels faster.with the chip at top speed,the road isn't long enough to find out what the max is.But with my foot in her,she just keeps climbing and climbing...
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