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 Mid-Atlantic Riv Owners

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Ron's Rocket Riv
Ron's Rocket Riv

Name : Ron
Joined : 2011-12-04
Post Count : 82
Merit : 4

Mid-Atlantic Riv Owners Empty
PostSubject: Mid-Atlantic Riv Owners   Mid-Atlantic Riv Owners EmptyWed Dec 14, 2011 9:24 pm

Hello all!

I just joined this forum and I am really impressed with the level of expertise, the enthusiasm, and participation of this group. I didn't happen to see it yet, but I was wondering if there is a mid-Atlantic group of Riv owners on this board... I am in souther Delaware and was curious to see if there was a local chapter, local shows, etc. If not, maybe we could start something up?

Just a thought.

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