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 EGR problems?

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Name : Dan
Age : 35
Joined : 2012-10-16
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EGR problems? Empty
PostSubject: EGR problems?   EGR problems? EmptyThu Oct 25, 2012 1:25 am

Just finished the engine swap on my 96 riv a few weeks ago. No problems at all in the first 2 weeks and then out of nowhere i got a CEL and the car started running really rough. I Scanned the code and got P1401 EGR Valve Pintle. Luckily, I saved the EGR valve from the old engine. I cleaned it out with some carb cleaner, dried it and put it on the car with a new gasket. Problem solved... or so i thought. A couple days later the code started popping up again but it seemed to be running fine. today It decided to completely die on me and I had to get it towed home. any idea what I'm chasing after if my car keeps eating up EGR valves?
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Name : Derek
Age : 52
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EGR problems? Empty
PostSubject: Re: EGR problems?   EGR problems? EmptyThu Oct 25, 2012 9:08 am

Two bad EGR valves? If I had to hazard a guess maybe a wiring issue instead? The wiring harness can get brittle and break near the firewall connector. With your recent engine swap I'm sure you were pulling on that connector when you got the engine harness out of the way...
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Name : Dan
Age : 35
Joined : 2012-10-16
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EGR problems? Empty
PostSubject: Re: EGR problems?   EGR problems? EmptyFri Oct 26, 2012 3:21 am

The wiring harness seems to be fine. would my o2 sensors or catalytic converter have anything to do with it?

...cause it's also running very rich
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EGR problems? Empty
PostSubject: Re: EGR problems?   EGR problems? EmptySun Oct 28, 2012 10:24 pm

AudioZombie wrote:
The wiring harness seems to be fine. would my o2 sensors or catalytic converter have anything to do with it?

...cause it's also running very rich

seems to be does not equal is. There is a thread on here where I had a very polite argument with another RivPerformance member about the wiring issue. He finally relented (after many parts replacements) and tested the wiring to find it was indeed broken inside the insulation. After finding that he then did the highly ethical thing, posting a note showing how to check the wiring and a bit of explanation as to why. You might want to find that thread and have a look.

SO... did you use a multimeter to test the wiring, and did you wiggle and pull the wirew while testing to check for breaks inside the insulation? Do tell...

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EGR problems? Empty
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