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 Locks work and then dont and then do

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Age : 34
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Locks work and then dont and then do Empty
PostSubject: Locks work and then dont and then do   Locks work and then dont and then do EmptyThu Nov 01, 2012 7:46 pm

Hello im Jordan and Im a disabled riviera driver happy ! I am having multiple issues with my car. Some days my door locks will work and some days they won't. When they don't work I hear the solenoid click but the lock motor doesnt actuate(no clunk sound no lock). I will press the lock in my car and on the remote and it wont work but it will set the alarm. Please help. Thank you.
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Name : robotennis
Age : 62
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Locks work and then dont and then do Empty
PostSubject: Re: Locks work and then dont and then do   Locks work and then dont and then do EmptyThu Nov 01, 2012 9:37 pm

if you drive a 95 with the original door actuators chances are the actuator is broken.but if it is what i think it is there is a fix.you have to remove the door panel. you have to unhook the long vertical rod from the actuator.its held in place by a funky little gray clam shell clip. unhook the electronics,3 connections i think.now move over to the inside door handle.move the handle in and out to best remove the long silver actuator rods. remember the order of removal.the rod with the purple goes down. now next remove the three torx bolts on the side of the door. leaving the long silver rods attached to the actuator.pull unit out.
move over to your work bench.look at the actuator.you will see a long allmost transparent white plastic arm that ends in kinda L shape. this L or nub as you will see,fits into a gray kidney shaped rubber thing that nestles into the black plastic body of the actuator. pry on the arm gently.if you can pry the arm out the kidney thing without effort or if you see the kidney thing has a rip on its sides ,then its broken.
the kidney thing is nothing more than a noise isolator.it cushions the actuator from noise when you open and close the lock. pry the gray cushion out of the box.clean the box real good acetone or alcohol.do the same with the gray cushion.place a dab of black gasket maker in the box,mush the gray cushion back in the box with the dab of gasket maker.. now a dab in the gray cushion.now mush the arm back into the gray cushion.let dry,reasemble.should work for a good long time.mine is holding strong.
if your problem is an intermitent one,cant help you there.try the lock fix first.
rockauto sells brand new actuators for around $25 to $40 bucks
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Name : robotennis
Age : 62
Location : las vegas
Joined : 2007-12-17
Post Count : 5562
Merit : 143

Locks work and then dont and then do Empty
PostSubject: Re: Locks work and then dont and then do   Locks work and then dont and then do EmptySat Nov 03, 2012 9:36 pm

any update?
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Locks work and then dont and then do Empty
PostSubject: Re: Locks work and then dont and then do   Locks work and then dont and then do Empty

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Locks work and then dont and then do
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