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 car wont crank

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Name : Leonard Bernard Rapkins
Age : 82
Location : Monroe NC
Joined : 2010-11-25
Post Count : 66
Merit : 2

car wont crank Empty
PostSubject: car wont crank   car wont crank EmptyFri May 23, 2014 8:25 pm

I was having trouble with the key on starting, sometimes the car would not start with the key and the SECURITY light stayed on, after a few minutes the security light would go off and the car would crank and run. I looked for a solution here in the forum and saw a write up where a resistor the same as the key chip would be wired in to make the car think that the it was reading the key.The writer of the post suggested that a car remote star installer could do the job so I took it to one. He said that he knew what to do but after he wired the resistor in place the car would not start at all so I told him to put it back as it was and I would live with the problem. He did as I asked and now the car will not start at all. I put the key in the ignition and all the lights come on as they should when I turn the key the lights go off with the exception of the security light which flashes until the key is removed. Can anyone offer good instructionsi for him to be able to fix the problem. Better still a good set of instructions on how to bypass the key reader with a resistor would be good so that we could give it another try. Thanks.
Len Rapkins
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