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 dadeboy305's Trans Am

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Name : Keith
Age : 39
Location : Lauderdale-Miami
Joined : 2007-08-12
Post Count : 33
Merit : 0

dadeboy305's Trans Am Empty
PostSubject: dadeboy305's Trans Am   dadeboy305's Trans Am EmptyTue Aug 21, 2007 1:04 am

my first car was a 93 mustang (4cyl) i threw some 14" daytons on it kuz obviously speed wasnt a factor, then had a 96 berretta Z26, then this...

90 Firebird that i cloned like a 84 15th anniversary minus the power bulge hood...some lady hit me in the front so off it went....

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dadeboy305's Trans Am Picture138

this is me and my dads ride, yall are gunna HATE this...he bought his for $900 at the auction, supercharged, grey leather, everything like mine minus the sunroof and spoiler...paint is in bad shape on the left side too
dadeboy305's Trans Am RIVIERA031
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