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 were to purchase a new fuel tank.

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Name : kevin haynes
Joined : 2015-02-25
Post Count : 1
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were to purchase a new fuel tank. Empty
PostSubject: were to purchase a new fuel tank.   were to purchase a new fuel tank. EmptyWed May 06, 2015 3:09 pm

looking to purchase new fuel tank. the tabs that hold my fuel pump in are rusted and no longer hold lock ring in place. I can not find a fuel tank available . thank you
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Name : Scott
Location : Macomb, Michigan
Joined : 2010-02-24
Post Count : 4316
Merit : 185

were to purchase a new fuel tank. Empty
PostSubject: Re: were to purchase a new fuel tank.   were to purchase a new fuel tank. EmptyThu May 07, 2015 8:55 am

Check this thread out....

Have you checked if the dealer can still get you a tank? You might want to try a bodyshop as well. I know that sounds weird, but they're the "experts" on aftermarket parts and where to get them.
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were to purchase a new fuel tank.
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