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 Code P0147

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Name : Cliff
Joined : 2020-09-01
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Code P0147 Empty
PostSubject: Code P0147   Code P0147 EmptySat Sep 19, 2020 4:39 pm

Update on my 96 project car: I got a P0107 code cleared by cleaning the map sensor. The other soft code I had was P0141. I've been doing a lot of reading of possible causes for that code. One that was mentioned that surprised me was ( bad diode in the alternator). I guess any kind of stray electric signal can interfere with the cam sensor signal. I'm going to go out to the car tonite when it's dark and see if I see any arcing of stray electric anywhere.
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Name : Larry
Age : 68
Location : Oakland Gardens, NY
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Code P0147 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Code P0147   Code P0147 EmptySun Sep 20, 2020 3:20 pm

Your title says P0147.  Which is it? In any case those codes deal with the heater circuit in the O2 sensor. Time to replace the sensor.

98 Riviera SC3800  All stock except gutted air box.
1970 Buick GS455 Stage1, TSP built 470BBB, 602HP/589TQ
Best MPH, 116.06 MPH, Best ET, 11.54
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Code P0147 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Code P0147   Code P0147 EmptyMon Sep 21, 2020 10:43 am

Some quick thoughts:

- Your car's 24 years old. If the downstream O2 sensor's never been replaced, it's probably due. The oxy sensors run in a hostile environment and eventually all go.

- I am on the fence about maintenance replacement of O2 sensors. On the one hand, the car will run better if you do. On the other hand, the cheaply made (NOT necesarily cheaply PRICED) O2 sensors are awful. I did a maintenance replacement of my upstream O2 with an ACDelco sensor and much to my surprise had problems. Replaced it *again* with a Denso I got from Rickw as NOS (he had on hand for his now gone Riv) and problem solved. Point is, as always, watch out for counterfeit parts. I wonder if the Delco was counterfeit or just bad new.

- Especially if you've never really done so, check your fuse box for corrosion from water intrusion or just age, especially the fuses to devices that are sending codes. I used to check my fuse box a lot, never found water intrusion but did find a fuse that would not conduct although the failure was not visible (almost all the time they are obvious on inspection). While you are at it, pull and reseat the fuses for those devices; look at the connectors. There should be no problems, the main point of doing this is to get familiar with the thing.

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Name : Cliff
Joined : 2020-09-01
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Code P0147 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Code P0147   Code P0147 EmptyMon Sep 21, 2020 12:18 pm

Your definitely on point. The original owner maintained the car but the guy I bought it from didn't and was really rough with it.
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Code P0147 Empty
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