Name : Cliff Joined : 2020-09-01Post Count : 133 Merit : 1
Subject: O2 sensor replacement Thu Nov 26, 2020 2:34 pm
My 96 I've owned for 3 months has 130,000 miles on it. I'm getting an occasional code for a lean condition. I've been running Techron in it to clean the injectors. Should I be replacing the 02 sensor based on age and miles? I'm not getting a code for it. Thanks
albertj Master
Name : Location : Finger Lakes of New York State Joined : 2007-05-31Post Count : 8679 Merit : 181
Code P0171 for a lean condition. I believe I found what was causing it. The vacuum line that runs from under the supercharger snout is cracked at the rubber connector at one end a loose fit at the other end. But I still have the O2 sensor separate question: when the sensor is old will it slow down in its response and affect performance? Or should it only be replaced if it throws a code? Thanks
albertj Master
Name : Location : Finger Lakes of New York State Joined : 2007-05-31Post Count : 8679 Merit : 181
Code P0171 for a lean condition. I believe I found what was causing it. The vacuum line that runs from under the supercharger snout is cracked at the rubber connector at one end a loose fit at the other end. But I still have the O2 sensor separate question: when the sensor is old will it slow down in its response and affect performance? Or should it only be replaced if it throws a code? Thanks
The ECU compensates for slowness of older sensors.
In my experience it makes somewhat of a difference if you replace it but not so much that you say Oh Wow Why Did I Wait!!!
If you do replace it, *get a name brand sensor* like NTK or Denso.
My "gut feeling" on this is that if you know how to use a scanner to check the sensor performance and the scanner shows performance is below par, then replace. Otherwise, replace if a sensor related code is thrown and you cannot find another cause. I replaced a sensor for 'maintenance' one time (used an ACDelco sensor, too) and the *new* sensor threw a code. I was not happy about that. Replaced that with a Denso, I guess you could call it NOS, from Rick W... problem solved...
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Cliff96 Enthusiast
Name : Cliff Joined : 2020-09-01Post Count : 133 Merit : 1
Subject: Re: O2 sensor replacement Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:50 am
I've had this car about 3 months. I replaced the sc coupler a few weeks ago because of rattling. When I removed the vacuum hose under the snout last night there was a tiny shard of plastic from the old coupler stuck into the metal tube that I pulled out. I'm sure that was mostly blocking the airflow.
albertj Master
Name : Location : Finger Lakes of New York State Joined : 2007-05-31Post Count : 8679 Merit : 181
Subject: Re: O2 sensor replacement Sat Nov 28, 2020 1:42 pm
Cliff96 wrote:
I've had this car about 3 months. I replaced the sc coupler a few weeks ago because of rattling. When I removed the vacuum hose under the snout last night there was a tiny shard of plastic from the old coupler stuck into the metal tube that I pulled out. I'm sure that was mostly blocking the airflow.