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 Crankshaft sensor replacement

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Crankshaft sensor replacement Empty
PostSubject: Crankshaft sensor replacement   Crankshaft sensor replacement EmptyWed Jul 30, 2008 1:42 pm

I need to install a new crankshaft sensor on my '89 3.8L . Does anyone know the assembly sequence and tolerances for this component?
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
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Crankshaft sensor replacement Empty
PostSubject: Re: Crankshaft sensor replacement   Crankshaft sensor replacement EmptySun Oct 19, 2008 10:36 pm

suggest you get a factory service manual, or a Haynes manual for just about any GM car with the same engine (the Regal for instance). you don't need assembly sequence and tolerances as much as you need instructions on how to remove the harmonic balancer to R&R it. Haynes will show you the critical stuff ans you should be able to figure out how to get the motor mounts off or work around them.

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Crankshaft sensor replacement
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