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 Electric issues

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Name : Robert Stone Jr
Location : Woodstock Ga
Joined : 2021-01-09
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Electric issues Empty
PostSubject: Electric issues   Electric issues EmptySat Jan 09, 2021 10:48 pm

I had my ignition switch replaced along with its wiring harness? Car starts and runs, hvac operates, all gages and some interior lights.
What is not working now is
Power windows, sun roof, wipers, gage lights , dome light by mirror, radio, horn blows unless i pull fusevor relay.
Do these need to be programed into pcm or something.
Or think some thing was not connected when ignition harness was replaced.
Is a 98 model.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
Joined : 2007-05-31
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Electric issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Electric issues   Electric issues EmptySun Jan 10, 2021 1:12 pm

I don't have experience with exactly your problem.

Here is where I'd start: The components you ask about (PW, SR, wipers, etc) don't have to be programmed.

Was your car in a wreck?

Do you have a copy of the factory service manual?

Has it ever worked right since you owned it?

If those components were indeed working before your ignition switch was replaced you just need to ask what was done. Basically you're looking for Ockham's Razor - the simplest explanation - and right now it sounds like you don't have enough info to figure that out. Answer the above questions and I can tell you more.

BTW, On my car, when my BCM died the dealer replaced it with one for a Bonneville (the Riv BCM was NLA). The result was two things. One, when you connect my car to the Tech II it shows the right VIN but says it is a Bonneville. The other is the personal choice features work like they do on the 2002 Bonnie, not like on the Riv. They are **close** but not identical. They didn't tell me, they really didn't have to actually as things overall worked fine. I only found out looking over the service manager's shoulder one day when he'd hooked a Tech II to the car to diagnose an intermittent no-start and it came up. It would not surprise me if they had to reposition some wires in the harness to make that BCM work.

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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
Joined : 2007-05-31
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Electric issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Electric issues   Electric issues EmptyMon Jan 11, 2021 11:18 pm

I thought it might help to explain a little more.

If your car has been in a wreck,there likely is a problem with wiring passing through body panels. You'd want to find and check splices, you might find that the wiring is spliced together in odd places.

If car has not been in a wreck, it may have been flooded and the BCM, which is under the drivers seat, probably got wet and is now failing.

If you have a factory manual the trouble charts and diagrams will be invaluable to figure out how to fix whatever.

There are a bunch of wires running through the ignition switch (so not confuse it with the ignition cylinder, which has one wire). If your problems started after that new switch was installed, you need to find out if it was really new, if it was indeed a Riv switch (other GM switches fit and plug in BUT are wired differently I am told), and if the wires were routed correctly and secured when installed (if not they chafe and short out).

The foregoing should help explain why I asked all those questions.
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Name : Robert Stone Jr
Location : Woodstock Ga
Joined : 2021-01-09
Post Count : 2
Merit : 0

Electric issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Electric issues   Electric issues EmptyWed Jan 27, 2021 7:48 pm

Thanks for the help!
Never in a wreck and worked before changing the switch and harness.  I have the shop manuals and
as far as I can tell the feature that allows ,the windows, roof and radio, to operate for 10 minutes
is not working.  I had no power to the radio fuse. The guy who painted and  did various repairs to it will have a auto tech friend fix it.
He and a garage replaced the alternator due to it some how draining the battery.  I had replaced a few years ago with one from auto zone but got the wrong one.  They said was for a non supercharged
3800?  and one more thing the horn will blow constantly unless I pull the fuse or relay.
I have hope that the wipers are just a missed connection!
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
Joined : 2007-05-31
Post Count : 8679
Merit : 181

Electric issues Empty
PostSubject: Re: Electric issues   Electric issues EmptyThu Jan 28, 2021 8:06 pm

Horn blowing constantly is likely the horn pad. You can get a replacement pad from junkyard, and if it is the wrong color repaint it with SEM vinyl. Alternatively, if you can find the membrane switch material, you can pull the horn pad and repair the switch.

"feature that allows the windows etc. to operate for 10 minutes" is called Retained Accessory Power. If that's not working, your body computer (under the front seat) isn't working right and probably needs to be replaced. Junkyard part. Watch out for ones that have been wet.
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