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 Headliner rear side panel clip.

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Name : Brian Cohen
Joined : 2019-01-07
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Headliner rear side panel clip.  Empty
PostSubject: Headliner rear side panel clip.    Headliner rear side panel clip.  EmptyTue Sep 07, 2021 9:46 pm

Can anyone tell me where to buy the plastic clips which secures
 the rear side headliner panels? I'm not near any junk yards that have parts for our cars.
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Location : Finger Lakes of New York State
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Headliner rear side panel clip.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Headliner rear side panel clip.    Headliner rear side panel clip.  EmptyWed Sep 08, 2021 9:00 am

Most likely Auveco has them. See https://www.auveco.com/. Pretty much every fastener GM has used since maybe 1941 is here: https://www.auveco.com/general-motors. The online catalogs are here: https://onlinecatalog.auveco.com/BookshelfView/

One way to proceed is to match up the part number in the Auveco catalog then find a distributor who has the parts (this is not as difficult as it sounds). A distributor I've used is https://www.dixied.com/. Their site isn't pretty but it is *fast* and accurate and their fulfillment is first rate (I've never had them not fill an order) and their S&H is reasonable. Another that seems OK is https://autofastenersandclips.com/. When you find the clip you want in the Auveco catalog, then cut and paste the UPC for that clip into the search on the autofastenersandclips.com web site and click. (on the DixieID site use the part number, UPC won't work). The part will come up, it'll tell you the pak price and how many are in the pak. For instance, the speednuts that hold the rear shocks come in a pak of 25 for $16.99, UPC is 821641502278. The distributor puts a small-order surcharge on (sometimes this is buried in "shipping and handling" - hint, it's the handling part). Then on either site just follow the instructions to order.
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Name : Brian Cohen
Joined : 2019-01-07
Post Count : 805
Merit : 8

Headliner rear side panel clip.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Headliner rear side panel clip.    Headliner rear side panel clip.  EmptyThu Sep 09, 2021 6:47 pm

Thanks albert, I have the part number and a few dealers still have them. I'll just persuade one of them to ship a few to me.
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Headliner rear side panel clip.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Headliner rear side panel clip.    Headliner rear side panel clip.  Empty

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Headliner rear side panel clip.
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