Wondering if automotive antenna technology, which is way beyond radio am/fm at this point, has produced a device to support the multiple other needs of a modern vehicle as an add-on product yet?
No, I really don't know what I'm talking about, but was intrigued by this old article that touched on the subject from 2013. (https://www.edn.com/multiple-antennas-a-requirement-for-new-cars/).
My initial interest comes from simply needing a better reception device for my stock Riv radio/cd/tape. I hate the standard electricl antenna. Too vulnerable with needless maintenance. I'm not a purist when it comes down to making something work as it should.
Maybe a recommendation for a shark-fin type that could be mounted atop would be best, but stlll interested in new tech for all the things using wireless.
Apologies if this isn't posted in the correct spot.
Aside, can we still place an image, because I don't see that option.