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 97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv?

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Name : Luis
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97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? Empty
PostSubject: 97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv?   97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? EmptyWed Feb 08, 2023 3:14 pm

Just a quick question, I can't seem to find any matching part numbers for the Riv OEM style fuel pumps. The Park Ave ones looks shit the same but with a different number I'm hesitant on getting one. Anyone know if there's a difference or if it even matters?
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97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv?   97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? EmptyThu Feb 09, 2023 7:58 pm

Spacecowboy067 wrote:
Just a quick question, I can't seem to find any matching part numbers for the Riv OEM style fuel pumps. The Park Ave ones looks shit the same but with a different number I'm hesitant on getting one. Anyone know if there's a difference or if it even matters?

The PA has the standard pressure pump IIRC.

Did you look at rockauto.com?
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Name : Luis
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97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv?   97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? EmptyThu Feb 09, 2023 8:13 pm

Of course. They have a Delphi unit for 160 or so but it would be nice to pay a fraction of that for the PA/ Bonnie pump that's about 60. I see lots of talk about how similar looking the pumps are between all big body S-IIs but nobody in any forum or group seems to know the exact difference, besides the ones that aren't for supercharged cars.
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97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv?   97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? EmptyTue Feb 14, 2023 9:10 am

Spacecowboy067 wrote:
Of course. They have a Delphi unit for 160 or so but it would be nice to pay a fraction of that for the PA/ Bonnie pump that's about 60. I see lots of talk about how similar looking the pumps are between all big body S-IIs but nobody in any forum or group seems to know the exact difference, besides the ones that aren't for supercharged cars.

An experienced parts person will tell you the pump motor units differ between the NA and SC engines. The aftermarket pumps that are shown for the SC *and* NA engines are generally adequate for city/touring/cruising for the SC engines but aren't like the OE pump just for the SC engine.

You should still be able to get from Delco, or aftermarket from Herko (or even try Summit Racing, my guess is they'll have like a 50 PSI Walbro) a replacement pump motor unit that meets/exceeds the SC pump spec. Consider getting the Delco number for the pump cartridge from the ACDelco site (for the SC engine, you can cross check against the PA and Bonneville SSE for instance) and use *that* number to find a high performance Walbro or other cartridge.

Be aware that cartridge pumps are a bit of a trick to install, the plastic hoses especially.

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Name : Luis
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97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv?   97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? EmptySun Feb 19, 2023 7:33 pm

albertj wrote:
Spacecowboy067 wrote:
Of course. They have a Delphi unit for 160 or so but it would be nice to pay a fraction of that for the PA/ Bonnie pump that's about 60. I see lots of talk about how similar looking the pumps are between all big body S-IIs but nobody in any forum or group seems to know the exact difference, besides the ones that aren't for supercharged cars.

An experienced parts person will tell you the pump motor units differ between the NA and SC engines.  The aftermarket pumps that are shown for the SC *and* NA engines are generally adequate for city/touring/cruising for the SC engines but aren't like the OE pump just for the SC engine.  

You should still be able to get from Delco, or aftermarket from Herko (or even try Summit Racing, my guess is they'll have like a 50 PSI Walbro) a replacement pump motor unit that meets/exceeds the SC pump spec.  Consider getting the Delco number for the pump cartridge from the ACDelco site (for the SC engine, you can cross check against the PA and Bonneville SSE for instance) and use *that* number to find a high performance Walbro or other cartridge.  

Be aware that cartridge pumps are a bit of a trick to install, the plastic hoses especially.


Turned out to not matter at all lol. Engine took a shit finally so we're pulling it

Might as well get my 170 back from RA lol
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Name : Dmitry
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97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv?   97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? EmptySun Feb 26, 2023 7:40 am

Wow. What exactly happened to the engine? How many miles were on it?
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Name : Mark
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97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv?   97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? EmptyWed Mar 08, 2023 4:45 am

Since the Park Avenue ULTRAs were supercharged, it would make sense that they used the same high-flow pump as our S/C cars with the control module near the gas filler in the trunk which runs them at only 1/3-speed until the manifold pressure, etc, demand full output. (I figure that's why I've never needed the spare pump I bought - they are only fully used a fraction of the time.) That reminds me: It's been many years, but with enough research on the InterWeb, I was able to buy ONLY the sending unit I needed and a spare pump from Delco for less than $100... Screw that Fuel Module Assy for $500!
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Jack the R
Jack the R

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97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv?   97 PAU the same fuel pump as a Riv? EmptyWed Mar 08, 2023 12:48 pm

The fuel module assembly will be worth it for most people. I've got $400 of time and frustration in rebuilding my module, + 250 for the Walbro pump that I wanted to replace as soon as I found out it doesn't hold fuel in the line when parked.
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