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 problems problems problems...

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Name : Reese
Age : 42
Location : StL
Joined : 2007-09-20
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problems problems problems... Empty
PostSubject: problems problems problems...   problems problems problems... EmptyWed Oct 31, 2007 4:32 pm

so i drove my car to work one day, cause i wanted to check out the uderbody of my car. well there is a switch in the rear of the car that is broke. looking at this lever, it looks like it used to be bolted to something, but that something is no longer there. i grab my mitchell on demand disk , and i cant find it there. a couple of days go by and another riv comes into the shop. i really dont see to many of these on the streets especially at my shop. looking at the same spot where my shit used to be and there it is. the lever is bolt to a box....im guessing its for the air leveling for the rear. this would also explain why my ass end is so low to the ground. the problem is i would like to replace it the factory piece, but i cant find the name for it. ive been on gmdirect but no luck.

while reading the mitchell disc i found out how to adjust the ride hieght in the rear without having to put spring spacers in. this is also why i want to replace it with the factory part. it said that i can raise the car almost 2" and lower it an 1.5". its pretty easy to do...just loosen the leveling arm and raise it up or down and tighten it back up again....sothing like that.

help me out though folks
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Name : Rob
Age : 42
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problems problems problems... Empty
PostSubject: Re: problems problems problems...   problems problems problems... EmptyWed Oct 31, 2007 8:33 pm

problems problems problems... AD95275

is it the height sensor... #9 if so..its lil over $200
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Name : Martin
Age : 43
Location : St- calixte Qc
Joined : 2007-10-26
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problems problems problems... Empty
PostSubject: Re: problems problems problems...   problems problems problems... EmptyThu Nov 01, 2007 2:02 pm

Funny to adjust 1.5 down i'll just have to find way to drop front end now.
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Jack the R
Jack the R

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problems problems problems... Empty
PostSubject: Re: problems problems problems...   problems problems problems... EmptyThu Nov 01, 2007 9:09 pm

Dig through the suspension section - There's a deal for springs which will drop the front around 1.7" I think both the Intrax springs and the Eibach STS springs will both drop the Riv's front that amount. If you go through Never Enough Auto you can get a discount by mentioning the Riv forum, on account of the mess they made with the sway bar group buy.
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Name : Martin
Age : 43
Location : St- calixte Qc
Joined : 2007-10-26
Post Count : 166
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problems problems problems... Empty
PostSubject: Re: problems problems problems...   problems problems problems... EmptyFri Nov 02, 2007 10:44 am

Woud be cool 1.7 front 1.5 back hmmmmmm tanks
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