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Name : Corey
Age : 34
Location : Rome NY
Joined : 2007-10-03
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shifter Empty
PostSubject: shifter   shifter EmptyTue Apr 29, 2008 7:52 pm

im just wondering about the shifter contraption . is the Riviera the same as the GP,the bonnies, the regals ect. if so would one work from a GP? im just wondering because im not a fan of column shifter no
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Name : alex
Age : 38
Location : Crete,IL
Joined : 2007-06-09
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Merit : 2

shifter Empty
PostSubject: Re: shifter   shifter EmptyWed Apr 30, 2008 2:11 am

palermocorey90 wrote:
im just wondering about the shifter contraption . is the Riviera the same as the GP,the bonnies, the regals ect. if so would one work from a GP? im just wondering because im not a fan of column shifter no

its a very complicated contracption thats built into the floorboard and in between the rear vents channels on 97+ rivs.
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