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 Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button

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Name : Anthony
Age : 35
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PostSubject: Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button   Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button EmptyMon Aug 17, 2009 6:09 pm

As many of the members on this forum have stated , a common problem on these cars is the center console lid latch breaking. In my case , my brother ASSumed the button kept going down further when actually it didn't , and he ended up breaking the lid latch button , so my lid would not remain closed. After a few weeks of dealing with it , i decided to take it apart and try to fix it ,figuring that the worst that could happen was me needing to buy another console lid , which would have been needed anyway. Fortunately I figured a way to actually get the lid to work better ( my opinion of course) than stock , at no cost using ordinary household materials. Unfortunately i have no camera at this time , and was not expecting success , or at least a complete success , so there are no pictures.

What you will need is:
2 old or uncared about "clicky" pens ( one could work but i felt 2 were better)
All purpose pvc cement.
A small screwdriver ( preferably with a magnetic tip)

And this job took under half an hour from start to finish.

Start by breaking the button from the black metal bar that it hinges to. The button should be loose and you should have enough room to wiggle it out , remove button from latch area and place in a convenient spot.

Proceed to remove the black bar that it attaches to bending it slightly on one side with a screwdriver and lifting it up. Its ok if it remains bent you'll still be able to get it back in , with no ill effects on operation or alignment of the button , just make sure its only bent on one side.

Removing the black plastic peice from under where the bar was , that has a small lip on it. it should slide right out , this is where the magic begins. The plastic piece is supposed to push out , holding the console lid in place , but in some cases , it fails and the spring goes missing , and i couldn't figure out how to get it back together , so i decided instead to experiment. Take the clicky pens apart and remove the springs , this is all you will need from them, Discard the rest (tip: try to use stiffer springs to ensure that it holds the lid closed). Use PVC cement to attach them to the black plastic piece , in the cavity on top of it. It should be able to fit two springs side by side. Apply a fairly generous amount of pvc cement to hold it place , but no need to overdo it. Allow a few minutes to cure so the springs are held in place.

Replace black piece and close console lid , this should hold the lid down and the black peice in place.

Replace small metal bar and position the button in place, and enjoy your once again functioning console lid.

It would all be more clear with pictures , but when you take it apart its pretty simple and should be easy to understand. Hope someone saves some money and hassle using this write up. I'd rate the difficulty 2/10 , so don't be afraid to attempt this.

If there are any questions or if anything is unclear feel free to ask and i'll do my best to explain it further.
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T Riley
T Riley

Name : Travis
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Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button   Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button EmptyMon Aug 17, 2009 7:00 pm

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Name : Anthony
Age : 35
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Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button   Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button EmptyMon Aug 17, 2009 10:04 pm

I'll see if i can borrow a camera from my roommate and tear it apart and show what i'm talking about better. I'll try to get around to it sometime this week.

Its not exactly a perfect fix , but it works very very well , and since its pretty much free and easy , its well worth it.
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T Riley
T Riley

Name : Travis
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Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button   Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button EmptyMon Aug 17, 2009 10:11 pm

TonySmooth89 wrote:
I'll see if i can borrow a camera from my roommate and tear it apart and show what i'm talking about better. I'll try to get around to it sometime this week.
Its not exactly a perfect fix , but it works very very well , and since its pretty much free and easy , its well worth it.

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Name : Charlie
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Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button   Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 5:08 pm

I am about to tackle this as soon as I finish this coffee. I picked up a new latch at the junkyard, lady gave it to me for free smile but it's in pretty rough shape. I will have to sand it and paint it before installing it.
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Name : Charlie
Age : 39
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Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button   Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 10:09 pm

Here are the parts I salvaged today.

Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button ConsoleLatchparts

Here is the front of the latch after I sanded it with 150grit, I don't have pictures but I then took it to 600 then 2000. Then painted it glossy black. The future color of the entire interior.
Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button ConsoleLatchF

Back shot of latch
Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button ConsoleLatchB

My broken latch and temporary solution to keep the thing from flying up, hitting my arm, and giving me instant road rage devil

Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button BrokenConsoleLatch2

The plastic tab that the pin goes through on the right side was broke when I got the car.

Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button BrokenConsoleLatch3

I am working on getting the gosh darn console off so I can repair it but I am having some screw issues. I posted my problem in the write up about removing the center console piece.
The screws just spin in their threads in place and will not come up like a good screw. They are not 'stripped' but something is funky with the threads that is keeping them from coming up.

I will post my progress once I get the console off to do the repair.
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Name : Dennis
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Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button Empty
PostSubject: Re: Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button   Write-Up: Fixing center console lid button EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 9:19 am

I just took the spring out and have never looked back.
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