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 1995 buick riviera supercharged has no spark

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1995 buick riviera supercharged has no spark - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1995 buick riviera supercharged has no spark   1995 buick riviera supercharged has no spark - Page 2 EmptyWed Jun 22, 2022 11:30 am

redbaron wrote:
Thank you Albert!

Bypassing VATS this week too.

I don't recommend bypassing VATS.

What I've seen over the years is, people bypass VATS because of starting issues. What's going on is a problem in the ignition switch, or in the keyway (VATS is actually pretty reliable) or with the key (the contacts on the chip wear down or get damaged from handling).

The ignition switch problem is they wear out internally. I am on my third.

The keyway problem is the little paddles that contact the chip in the VATS key, or the contacts on the key, get dirty or wear out. First thing to do is dip a q-tip in some dry gas and poke it in the keyway to clean off the paddles, which are just inside the keyway opening.

When people bypass VATS eventually the worn keyway or ignition switch cause worse failures. Thinking about it, over the years more than one person has scrapped or parted out their Riv over this relatively simple but frustrating issue.

So... you're welcome, and you'll find it wise to get a copy of the factory service manual set - assuming you plan on keeping the Riv a while. They usually come up on eBay for less than $50 the set.

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1995 buick riviera supercharged has no spark
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